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Does the government manipulate ALL media, or just liberal media? - Printable Version

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Does the government manipulate ALL media, or just liberal media? - Sarcaztic Baztard - 02-13-2013 11:09 AM

Actually, I recall Ruper Murdoch saying that FOX pushed as hard as they could for the Iraq War. So, I guess the gov is in the liberal AND conservative medias.

What do you think?

NOTE: In order to appear less of a fool, you should try to avoid some sort of cobbled together ad hominem attack.

- Worutaasei - 02-13-2013 11:17 AM

Ignores Note....

Look at who controls which media outlets. If the shareholders also have stock in oil, or transportation of goods, or anything that will help them make money, they will manipulate.

- Twilight Heathen - 02-13-2013 11:17 AM

I think the media actually manipulates the people--including the gov. to a certain extent. People believe everything they read or see because they've been told that journalists are just out there for the truth. The truth is that a journalist would murder his own mother just to get the scoop for five minutes of fame.

- Friendlyspot562 - 02-13-2013 11:17 AM

Well, the government attempts to manipulate the media, all of it. Sure. That's what public affairs offices in government agencies do. Similarly, companies large and small attempt to manipulate the the media through public relations.

Someone might take issue with the word "manipulate." OK. Influence, then. Or "achieve positive coverage."

As for whether it's "honest" or deceptive," there's a long history of both government and private industry engaging in both. Most--99.9% or so--is "honest." But there's some (really very little) that's outright deceptive. Private companies may set up dummy organizations to pose as a group of concerned citizens to lobby in favor or against a proposal. The government might (and has) funded selected media outlets overseas. Certainly the government "plays favorites" as far as who gets leaked material. (Recall Karl Rove and the whole Valerie Plame affair. Democratic administration have engaged in similar leaking and manipulation.)

So, yes, it happens. From Democratic and Republican administrations, attempting to influence both the liberal and the conservative press. It's not enough to totally reverse the truth, but it does shade it from time to time.