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He has been crushing on me forever... Why won't he just make a move? - Printable Version

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He has been crushing on me forever... Why won't he just make a move? - mellei - 02-13-2013 11:14 AM

I'm going through a situation that is causing me a lot of stress. There is a guy in my class whom I had an inkling that he liked me. Right before the holidays, there was an end of exam party. We ended up dancing with each other for over an hour and it was really kind of intimate. We were really close, he had his forehead against mine, he bought me a water (because I didn't want a drink), he walked me home, and he asked me for my number. I am terrified of guys in general so this was really a huge deal to me.

He never did contact me over the holidays. Now that we are back at school I am totally confused. I feel he is even more scared of me than he was before. We added each other to Facebook over the break. I'm a very shy, kind of reserved girl, so I havn't gone up to him to say hi yet. I'm just don't get it though - is he scared of me or something? I caught him staring at me today after class but I was asking the teacher a question. Why wouldn't he have just contacted me somehow now that he has all my contact info?

- Russ in NOVA - 02-13-2013 11:22 AM

You are scared of him because he hasn't made contact with you and he is scared of you because you haven't made contact with him. Get the picture? My guess is he is new to relationships and doesn't know what to do and is not sure whether you are being shy or aloof.

Do you see him at school? If so, just go and say "Hi. How was your holiday?" Or do the same via FB message. See what happens.

- Jugga Juice - 02-13-2013 11:22 AM

He's probably a little shy as well. He may have had a little more confidence than usual the night he asked for your number. He's probably over thinking it and worrying that you don't like him back. I suggest making a move.

- Max - 02-13-2013 11:22 AM

Don't worry about the fact that he didn't contact you during the holidays. The reason he isn't making a move is because he is not sure you are interested.

If you show a ad more interest, I can assure you that he will.

(I know this because it's in every guy's head nearly every time he likes a girl; unless he's over-confident).

Hope I helped!!!