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How much data usage does msn messnger use on a blackberry? - Printable Version

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How much data usage does msn messnger use on a blackberry? - Po Ling, Pauline - 02-13-2013 11:32 AM

what if you were to log on to msn on blackberry for an hour?

- romulusnr - 02-13-2013 11:40 AM

the data usages depends on how many messages you send or get and how big they are. Also if you use colors and other special letter types.

So if you send 60 msn messages in an hour and you get say 100 back thats 160 messages. And if your messages are short like "OMG INORITE HE SUX", that's about 100 bytes per message, for 160 messages that's about 16KB.

It really shouldn't be much unless you are sending lots and lots of messages and they are long...

- im4ginary - 02-13-2013 11:40 AM

MSN on BlackBerry should not use that much. For just an hour or so, I don't really think it should use more than a few mb since the data being sent and received with MSN is very minimal and of course, if you don't count in sending/receiving files. I believe each message sent or received should not exceed 10kb since it's usually just a few words to a few sentences.

I am quite a heavy BlackBerry user myself, and I usually go online on MSN whenever I'm not at home. And I will basically stay online, whether or not I am chatting with my friends. Quite often, I also chat with one or two friends continuously and non-stop for at least a few hours.

I use quite a lot of other apps such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Maps,, and a few others. I also sometimes surf online forums and I always opt to load all images. I am on a 3gb per month plan abt so far I have never gone beyond 500mb of data. I hope this is enough for you to use as a gauge.