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Are Social Media and Multimedia just really stupid names? - Printable Version

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Are Social Media and Multimedia just really stupid names? - Mike Clarkson - 02-13-2013 01:06 PM

I don't get why they just can't call it the internet. Why do they have to slap some stupid sounding label on to the process of the being on the Internet? And even if they had to label it as something, who the hell thought "multimedia" and "social media" would be a good idea? Those titles would be something I'd expect to represent a TV morning show or something. It sounds sooo lame.

Why is the mainstream media referring to the Internet as social media and multimedia? Why not just call it the internet?

- brainiacATwork - 02-13-2013 01:14 PM

The internet as you know has many uses. People do banking, shopping, reading, learning. But one of the major things people use the internet for is to connect to other people, which is a social thing. Certain media such as Facebook and Twitter are prime medias for doing exactly this, connecting to other people. They are Tools that allow the sharing of information and creation of communities through online networks of people.

They aren't stupid labels, they represent a clear definition of that particular internet medium.

- Jersey Guy - 02-13-2013 01:14 PM

Well "Multimedia refers to those portions of your internet activity that include such things as: Test or the printed word, Then there is the addition of still photo, Add to this full sound a full blown presentations of Color Video with sound, graphics test and still photos. This is called Multi media because it uses multiple methods of media in the presentation.

As for Social media, this is a Term to draw a line between social pages like Facebook, twitter etc which were originally intended for pure social interactions whereas News media is meant to be more all encompassing one way media.

True the lines are often blurred when Social media is used for political reasons and like twitter and blogs gets information from trouble spots out faster than a traditional news outlet.

Now just calling it the internet would be all encompassing like call the news of old just a bunch of phone wires.

Proud vet