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How can people be so gullible that they believe anything the media says as truth? - Printable Version

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How can people be so gullible that they believe anything the media says as truth? - misbhaven - 02-13-2013 02:32 PM

Why are people so blinded by what the media says and treat it as if thats the only proof they need to believe the story being told to them.

For instance the sandy hook shootings, I investigated as much as possible from my home in wa state on the internet after I saw the tape of supposed father Robbie Parker seconds before the interview. I saw the interview on my local news channel and questioned his behavior on the spot, but quickly discounted it to "Im not sure how Id act if my 6 yr old child was just murdered"

Did you know there is no fire station in sandy hook? yet that is where the parents were directed to go to find out if their child was alive. I google earthed the area and there are a lot of strange things I found. Like many elementary schools but no high school. yet the public school site lists the "continuing education center as a high school. The police dept of newtown is also dept social and health services and there isnt a cop car in sight and i cant find a single name they have listed in any directory? why is that?

the medical examiner said the children were killed with the long rifle, which was supposedly still in the car. they also said a glock and sic sauer were used in the slayings but the largest magazine made for them hold 12 bullets. the examiner also said the bodies he examined there was 3 to 11 bullets per child which would average out to 7 per body. 182 bullets in all which is 15 clips. Where would he keep all theses clips.

Why do people resort to flying off the handle and accusing people of being conspiracy theorists when people not so easily fooled question what the media says? That says a lot about a person if you ask me. If you jump the gun and assume people are whackjobs for questioning the information brought forth by the media before you do any sort of investigation, what does that make you? brainwashed?

Im sorry people, but you need to wake the fuck up. We dont live in a world where you can take people for their word or hearsay..OBVIOUSLY.
the examiner said they were killed with the long rifle yet he didnt know what caliber the bullets were. How is that even possible?

- 1551 - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

Truth is stranger than fiction
People are like sheep in so many ways
The media is controlled by big corporations. They regulate what is on tv
The reason why people dont question it is because they grew up believing that everything that they see and hear must be true.
I dont know, google this subject, there are alot of interesting articles

- Down but not Out. - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

I am not an American so have heard events from a distance. I am puzzled what you are saying? Are you saying the children wasn't shot or shot in a different way or place? I cant really see what that would benefit anyone.I am not sure what you are asking,so I don't know how to answer you.?

- Alion - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

Paranoia will destroy ya.

- Lani - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

Ok first of all. I live in Danbury ct, one town
Over from Newtown. Newtown is a very very small town so no they do not have a fire dept because they use danburys fire dept which is right on the line of Danbury and Newtown. Many people who think they knew everything were putting false information out So in your research you could've read many false reports. Our town has been absouluety devastated by this massacre so what you can do is pray. Pray for the children. Pray for the teachers including my good friend Victoria soto who was killed while sheilding her students from the gunman, god rest her soul. And pray for the families & surviving children who watched their friends die in front of their faces. God bless & happy holidays. Don't wrap yourself up in all the media whether they lie or not, it's nothing we can do about it.

- James C - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

There was a time when the news media was trustworthy and unbiased. You could not determine a commentator’s political stance and they wanted it that way. Certain things were covered up and never mentioned regardless of their political position like FDR and his wheel chair and the sexual escapades of JFK. Now news media outlets and commentators are self defined and promoted as either conservative or liberal and as a consequence not much gets covered up. So if you are liberal you watch and believe only the liberal slant and if you are conservative you watch and believe only the conservative slant. What potentionally gets lost in the shuffle is the truth because both sides try and spin the story line to fit their own agenda. It is called propaganda. So to answer your question, it is simply that most people are too lazy to research and find the unbiased facts of what is true and what is not true. Or, and this applies to biased news commentators especially, they are so set in their political philosophy that the truth does not matter, only the outcome matters.

- Wounded Duck - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

If not for gullibility, FOXNEWS would have no viewers. Always seek out multiple sources. That said, there is a difference between disinformation, false information, propaganda, and simple misstatements.

- The Supreme Court - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

I haven't heard about any of the details you just mentioned, although it must be worth looking into. However, the mere fact that there have been too many shootings lately all within a short time frame portrays itself as fishy. I mean things like this wouldn't just happen out of the blue, there is something larger going on here that many of us can't see but is unfolding right before our eyes.

- Andi - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

Why do people believe everything they read on the Internet? The Internet IS media!!! Wake up, you are brainwashed.

- ShriekingWorlock548 - 02-13-2013 02:40 PM

because they actully fail to research themselves
people believe what they hear on the news and seein print in a newspaper