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Can you truly be a victim of the victims? - Printable Version

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Can you truly be a victim of the victims? - NONAME - 02-13-2013 04:33 PM

Republican believe the rich don't have enough money and the poor have to much, making them the victim.

Guns are important to have, so you can protect yourself from your own government.

It is equally important to spend a Trillion Dollars on the Military that's coming to get you.

I am considering to join the Tea Party so I never get to retire or receive any of the Tax I paid into Social Security.

I have many things to complain about, anyway.

So,why not put my nose into someone else's business?

- lowstation831 - 02-13-2013 04:41 PM

Because the republicans are unedurcated and illiterit.

- vrzz - 02-13-2013 04:41 PM

They get fed so much misinformation, talking points, and lies from the right wing media that the poor bastards don't even realize they are walking/talking contradictions.

It's the equivalent of calling Obama a retarded, inept, President in one question, and later saying he's so clever that he simultaneously has put together a plan which screws America, but makes people think he's saving it.

- Proof - 02-13-2013 04:41 PM

>"Republican believe the rich don't have enough money and the poor have to much, making them the victim. "
Are... are you stupid? Republicans believe that the rich and poor should be treated equally.

>"It is equally important to spend a Trillion Dollars on the Military that's coming to get you. "
Democrats support that too. Obama has only continually tried to send more troops overseas.

>"I am considering to join the Tea Party so I never get to retire or receive any of the Tax I paid into Social Security. "
Retirement does not equal Social Security.

>"So,why not put my nose into someone else's business?"
Yes. Why do you?

- Jason - 02-13-2013 04:41 PM

I honestlt believe instead of blaming republicans or any other group for that matter the only thing that is actually going to make a difference and shange things for the better is to better inform the voters so they can and do pick candidates based on the issues not on a political affiliation. Two elections in a row the best candidates for our country never made it past the primaries.