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Why does the usa hate Hugo Chavez? - Printable Version

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Why does the usa hate Hugo Chavez? - Jorge - 02-13-2013 10:18 PM

- Ordinary Guy - 02-13-2013 10:26 PM

He confiscates companies as a serious socialist. Bad for business and against American interests.

Good friends with Castro , my enemy enemy is my friend.

- Chris - 02-13-2013 10:26 PM

He has taken the ignominious stance of having Venezuelans controlling Venezuelan oil, although the US establishment have their own sinister motives for disliking Chavez the American public however should be grateful to him.....

- nicejudge897 - 02-13-2013 10:26 PM

I have daily contact with Venezuela and a Venezuelan engineer and his wife visited my home recently.

Do not be lulled into supporting Chavez because you think he is 'standing up to America' Sure he is, but he has also governed Venezuela in a truly weak minded and disastrous way, crime is out of control, his hatred of professionals such as engineers is childish and can only be described as sick. For example, he has illegally stolen Venezuelan PENSION FUNDS on order' to 'give' the money to poor people, when Venezuela is a rich country with the 3rd biggest oil reserves on the planet; nevertheless most Venezuelans live in shanties and 'middle class Venezuelans ' are hated because he thinks it is 'socialist' to hate middle class people who have jobs and housing etc.

Chavez also uses violence to force people to vote for him, read this >>>>>>>>

In a referendum in Venezuela a voter must give an address on the voting form, the referendum is open and not secret, I personally know another Venezuelan engineer who voted against Chavez- his name was recorded from the voting form by Chaves's goons, then he lost his job with the state oil company. This is fact and it happened to several Venezuelan engineers known to my family.

I will add more to this when I have some time, Chavez is a low intelligence man with a childish understanding of socialism, he is ruining Venezuela and he should be investigated by the Americas version of the Court of Human Rights

CARACAS, VENEZUELA — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has made moves to tighten government control over national media, say critics who warn that the Internet and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter could be his next target.

Chavez recently announced that the government would review the licenses of and possibly close as many as 240 radio stations -- more than one-third of all AM and FM broadcasters. He has proposed rules that would limit the sharing of programming by stations, something that helps many stay economically viable

Chavez is catch 22, he is not capable of setting up viable state business and at the same time he makes it very difficult for private business to operate , he hates 'capitalism ' . His desired form of government is very close to North Korean communism in which everybody will be free of capitalism but living in desperate poverty in an oil rich country.

I think the way he records the names of all who vote for him, this is possible in Venezuela, and then gets them sacked from state companies is an INTERNATIONAL CRIME AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS and not any sort of 'socialism'.

A Spanish speaking investigative journalist could easily verify what I have said and I hope this is done.

- Mightyunderwear997 - 02-13-2013 10:26 PM

It's about oil dude. US or a dictator.