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Would I be loved or hated were I to become a public figure? - Printable Version

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Would I be loved or hated were I to become a public figure? - Edward - 02-13-2013 11:20 PM

I am a republican conservative. I watch Fox News because CNN/MSNBC/NBC/ABC have been proven liars. I believe in personal responsibility and don't think the American taxpayers should have to pay for welfare brats who have babies and their dead beat dads. I don't care what excuses they come up with, there is always a way out. I commend hard working people whether rich or poor. If someone works and gets scrap for money I think they deserve some help. However I am against supporting welfare pigs who go from guy to guy each night. Why should they get a free ride? We should have cops or some sort of authoritive figure go to each of their homes, throw them out of bed and put them to community service work until they can get a job. Maybe get them into a program where they go looking for jobs.
My blood boils when I hear liberals spew their hate speech and whine and cry when a conservative talks. If liberals really hate America so much they should just pack up and get out. Seriously, if you're really doing that poorly see if you like China better. Or maybe look at who you voted for.
I can't stand our current Liar-in-chief. He has proven to be the worst president we have ever had. Sorry liberals, Bush has been gone for four years. Obama had a perfect chance to do whatever he wanted in his first two years. This poor excuse of a leader is taking money from self-made successful people to give to those who won't work. As a consequence of his poor leadership we have lost millions of jobs, 8.8 million last year. I have no tolerance for people who preach about how we're "climbing out of a hole". we're not. Things are getting worse. My family has to pay an extra 10 grand a year now because Obama wanted taxes raised on everyone, even though he lied and said he wouldn't raise the middle class taxes.
Like I said before, I admire hard-working people, whether rich or poor. I know people who work hard and barely get by and I respect them. What I'm not for is condemning and attacking higher-earning people. Obama has done a good job at dividing America into groups and pinning them against each other. I'm sorry but a lot of those people need to smarten up and realize this is the government taking your money not individuals. Just because you messed up in life doesn't mean someone else should have to make up for it. And don't get on me about the whole "generalization" thing, because I've already said I know there are people who need help and can't get it and that's wrong.
The media is liberal. There is no denying that. When Sean Hannity, Rush Limbuagh, Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly stand up against it that's commendable. I'm a fan of all of them. The liberals are cowards, teaming up against people. If you're not a gay rights activist, you're a homophobe. If you don't want to pay your hard-earned money for women's birth control and abortion you're a sexist. Well hey just because someone like Sandra Fluke spreads her legs for anyone why should I pay for her stuff? That tells a lot about Obama if he called her for help. Guess he needed another progressive to boost his liberal tyranist agenda.
I think democrats tend to be selfish. If you're a woman democrat, you're only voting democrat because you want free birth control and not having to worry about being responsible. And the majority of you that do support abortion and buy into the "war on women" BS don't even believe in abortion. News for you. Women aren't the only people living in America. You're not happy with winning child-support 99% of the time? Or almost always winning court cases? As for guys that are democrats/liberals, you're usually the guy with glasses who thinks he's smarter and better than anyone, but really you're a male-feminist sissy who supports reverse-discrimination. And mark my words, I am no racist, but the democratic party uses minorities like blacks, women, gays, etc. But have they done anything for you? like 500,000 or more women out of work since Obama's been in office. Black unemployment has gone down 2%. So why do these groups continue to support the democrats? I don't know, you'd think eventually they would get it. War on women? maybe you'll think straight when you're not on your period. You're the ones starting the war. I love how the democrats start this stuff and claim republicans are the war mongers. Must be nice to pull an Al Sharpton and play that card and be rewarded for it.
I think women who vote republican are the real strong women. They realize they can think for themselves and aren't limited to the democrats power. They don't fall for the tricks unlike liberal women.
I am a conservative who isn't afraid of liberal criticism. I have sent liberals walking. Would I be loved or hated?
-Alexis K, you're actually right, I probably do come off as a jerk in a way. Thank you, as a strong republican woman for opening my eyes. I apologize for the period comment.

-Justin Pelham, you are doomed. I see so many apthetic Americans like you it's not funny. Obama declared war on Mitt because he said "uh oh, someone smarter than me. better start spreading my liberal democrat lies to scare the American people." Bush's tax cuts helped get jobs, but someone like you will never understand that. You are under the tyranny of high government, high taxes and you are still too stupid to get it. Yes, I voted Mitt Romney and it's discouraging to see the American people flock like sheep to Obama. Obama inherited a mess? Well, if he did he certainly didn't do much to help it. He ignited it on fire. And colleges will send anyone with no money for free. There are easy ways. And it's paid for by you and me. Well, me at least, I don't know about you. Liberal
-Alexis K, you're actually right, I probably do come off as a jerk in a way. Thank you, as a strong republican woman for opening my eyes. I apologize for the period comment.

-Justin Pelham, you are doomed. I see so many apthetic Americans like you it's not funny. Obama declared war on Mitt because he said "uh oh, someone smarter than me. better start spreading my liberal democrat lies to scare the American people." Bush's tax cuts helped get jobs, but someone like you will never understand that. You are under the tyranny of high government, high taxes and you are still too stupid to get it. Yes, I voted Mitt Romney and it's discouraging to see the American people flock like sheep to Obama. Obama inherited a mess? Well, if he did he certainly didn't do much to help it. He ignited it on fire. And colleges will send anyone with no money for free. There are easy ways. And it's paid for by you and me. Well, me at least, I don't know about you. Liberal
leaders have proven to be the worst leaders history can muster. And liberal people prove to be tools for them to work. It's scary how so many people adore this guy just like they did with Hitler. And as for that link, everyone tries to make Fox look like liars because they're afraid of the opposition. Aw, poor liberals, looks like out of a hundred news stations ONE disagrees with you. Boo hoo. Boil in your own soup for the next four years and hopefully you'll grow a brain. I have one, because I don't vote democrat.
And one last thing, I'm not the minority, you are. Look at any poll. Conservatism is larger in America than liberalism. So, you're the minority
leaders have proven to be the worst leaders history can muster. And liberal people prove to be tools for them to work. It's scary how so many people adore this guy just like they did with Hitler. And as for that link, everyone tries to make Fox look like liars because they're afraid of the opposition. Aw, poor liberals, looks like out of a hundred news stations ONE disagrees with you. Boo hoo. Boil in your own soup for the next four years and hopefully you'll grow a brain. I have one, because I don't vote democrat.
And one last thing, I'm not the minority, you are. Look at any poll. Conservatism is larger in America than liberalism. So, you're the minority
using the race card about blacks in jail? pathetic. And democrats don't pick any wars, they weaken our military defense. They don't like our military. Democrats would just rather let us be defeated
using the race card about blacks in jail? pathetic. And democrats don't pick any wars, they weaken our military defense. They don't like our military. Democrats would just rather let us be defeated

- whisperingactivity825 - 02-13-2013 11:28 PM

All I had to see were "Conservative" and "Fox" to say yes. Big Grin

- Oh-So typical! - 02-13-2013 11:28 PM

Copy + paste from MS word can do that to your paragraphing structure...

- PeekaBoo - 02-13-2013 11:28 PM

I didn't have time to read this but please pick me for ten points. Thanx

- Never Again - 02-13-2013 11:28 PM


- Alexis K - 02-13-2013 11:28 PM

You have strong points, but your kind of an ass. Maybe women will think straight when they're not on they're period. Really? Your opinions would never be heard over insults like that. Love you democratic men wears glasses. You kinda come off sounding like the bully at school in the crappy sitcoms calling kids four eyes. This is comming from a republican women who is not having her period. Actually, fuck you, a republican women who just got laid. Wink

- Chloe - 02-13-2013 11:28 PM

Most people wouldn't like you enough to hate you. It would be a waste of energy.

- Justin Pelham - 02-13-2013 11:28 PM

1st fox doesn't have a clean slate, so to say you don't watch the others because they lie, open your eyes
2nd there is a way out, but when you don't have money the odds are stacked agency you. Some try and never get out. How do you get out of working at minimum wage, buy food clothes and shelter. You have no money you can't go to school because you don't qualify for a scholarship?
3rd you talk about hate speech? And who hates america? This is america and a majority of us votes Obama into office so if you and your minority don't like it you can leave.
4th how is 4 years long enough to fix something that was doomed for 7 years( bush cut taxes and higher spending in 2001) so what's faster building a house or tearing one down?
5th and I never knew Hillary still took her birth control she's to old, so your liberal women statement is false.
6th I'm a guy. And your saying conservative guys don't know what there doing?wow good for them I guess.
7th I'm not calling anyone a war monger, but did you watch the presidential debates? Sounded like mitt was going to war. And at least democrats know what wars to pick, we don't stay to get killed. And the only reason women are republican is because they want people to tell them what they can do because there to dumb to make that decision them self.
And your not going to get far because your not to far right. Many try throwing in something about women can't get pregnant from rape, or give a stat for blacks in jail and use it for putting them down. And the bible said I'm superior to you.

- Arnie - 02-13-2013 11:28 PM

Liberals are not playing with a full deck
They seem to have abandoned logic and reason
They are Advocates of a policy that empowers a strong federal government to enslave its people with the high tax burden incident to the support of extravagant and unnecessary social programs destructive to both the work ethic among the lower class, and the incentive to innovate and succeed among the working people .