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Should I start talking to him again? - Printable Version

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Should I start talking to him again? - Sierra Smith - 02-14-2013 01:23 AM

Back in July, my friend and I went to the beach for the day with her parents. My friend and I were hanging out and playing volleyball, and these three guys asked me if they could play volleyball with us. I said yes and we ended up playing volleyball with them for about an hour or so until we had to leave. When my friend and I were leaving, we noticed that they were walking behind us, and two of them came up to me and were telling me how beautiful I was and stuff. One of the guys asked for my phone number and I gave it to him and my friend gave hers too. We weren't really interested in dating them, but we thought that we could give him our numbers so maybe all of us could get together and hangout again sometime. Later on that day,he texted me and was telling me how beautiful I was and how he wanted to take me out on a date,etc. I didn't give him a direct answer because I had only met him once, and I wasn't sure. Me and him texted back and forth for about a week and then we stopped texting. He texted me something and I didn't know what to say back so I didn't text and then he didn't text me after that... The first day we started texting he said a few sexual things (lol) he said next time at the beach he could help me put on sunscreen and how he wished I was laying with him, and my mom said that I shouldn't talk to a guy whose saying stuff like that the first day.. We haven't talked since August and I accidentally came across his twitter page recently,because of a mutual follower. Should I follow him on Twitter or would that be random?? I kind of want to be friends with him and get to know him, because I never had the chance to.. Why do you think he stopped texting me?? Do you think he realized I wasn't interested?? We're both 17 by the way. Sorry that this is so long, Thanks for your answers Smile)

- iDallin - 02-14-2013 01:31 AM

It is entirely up to you. I don't want to say yes or no because that is a personal decision and I wouldn't want to make the decision for you. Reasons you should start talking to him again: He wanted to hang out with you, he complimented you, he texted you a lot and wanted to get to know you. These are things that make him seem very nice and like someone you would want to get to know. Reasons you shouldn't start talking to him again: He wanted to rush you into a relationship, and he was sexual (seriously the FIRST day?). Also if he stopped texting you after you didn't reply it probably means he didn't care that much about you. If I were you I would get to know him but just be friends. But the choice is entirely yours.

- Summer - 02-14-2013 01:31 AM

I don't recommend it. That's really creepy (and like your mom said, a red flag) when he's basically trying to sweet talk his way into your pants one day after meeting you. Even if you tried to be just friends with him.. I mean would you really feel comfortable, knowing that he's probably daydreaming about sleeping with you every time you hang out? I'd be very uncomfortable, but that's just me. My advice: Move on and find a guy with a little more respect.