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How would you reply to my ex? (TEN POINTS)? - Printable Version

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How would you reply to my ex? (TEN POINTS)? - Chrome - 02-14-2013 01:48 AM

Sorry about the length, however I'll give ten points and you might find my ex's message amusing.

I ended it with my ex Saturday. She had ended it and got back with me Friday. (explained later), I asked her Saturday how she was and she said "no I don't want to speak to you, go" so I ended it. She didn't seem bothered and asked me if I would stop "stalking" her (explained later). I blocked her and deactivated my account as I've done before when we've split. We talk via twitter, however the link to her instagram is on her twitter and I've looked at it, it came up in one of our conversations and now I know she feels this is intrusive/stalking, if she didn't want me looking at it its ok but she could ha've told me (and I would have listened). As mentioned my ex and me broke up Friday over a misunderstanding - if you wish you can read about it here:;_ylt=Am22SajpozDrg849gX0fSsghBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130125105814AAeaXUA

On sunday she emailed me this:
"ok we argued. Woopie ******* doo. That happened, it's the ******* past. I don't understand why you blocked me, or unfollowed me because I didn't say **** about you. I don't want to go out with you anymore because i never loved you in the first place. I loved you 2 years ago but since what happened happend, I have never felt the same about you again. I feel awkward around you, like i am being stalked. I hated how you always stalked ALL my social network accounts, it's ******* creepy and normal people don't ******* do that. I don't hate you ((ok maybe a bit for blocking me and hurting me)) i want to stay friends with you, but you keep acting like you don't like me at all. Which pisses me off. About my tweets.... Not every ******* thing i tweet is about you, you need to stop thinking that otherwise you are gonna get hurt. If I didn't want to speak to you I would have told you straight up, not ******* indirect tweet it and if you had ruined something for me I would have told you. Stop being so ******* sensitive. i think i have said almost everything, hope you're happy you're the reason i have a fresh scar on my body. SmileSmile"

I was wondering how I should reply, I need mature answers here not trolling.
The person who gives me the best answer will get ten points.
Yahoo censored the swear words btw, she left them in her message.

Yes she does cut herself (hence the scar reference) and I do still love her, however I plan to get over her rather than get back with her. She is quite immature and I don't want to give her something she could use against me, however at the same time I don't want to hurt her badly and I'd consider being just friends with her eventually.

- motorman - 02-14-2013 01:56 AM

personally after reading everything that she wrote and the way she feels. you should not be friends with her. i know this might be very hard. but you have to let her go completely. the relationship that you seem to have with her now. doesn't sound like a friendship will be any better.
so i suggest not to be friends with her. she was your g/f but that didn't go well. now you have to move on.
as for this wonderful message she wrote to you. i can give you some suggestions on how to write it. because i only know from the info that you wrote. i don't know what happened between you guys so its a little hard for me to tell you how to reply. but anyways this is what i would suggest to write:

"your right. what happened in the past is in the past. we cannot change that. but we can change the future. i didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry that you took it that way. as for the tweets that i commented on. i was trying to help you and support you. i still do have feelings for you, i don't hate your or dislike you. but i think it is best that we don't communicate with each other anymore. its best if we don't be friends because of our history together. i am not happy that you feel hurt and about the fresh scar that is on your body. i never meant to hurt you and make you feel that way. i don't want to argue anymore therefore it is best we don't speak or communicate."

being friends with you ex while you still have feelings for her will hurt you more and possibly cause more arguments between the both of you.
i know its not what you want to hear but this is what i would do.
i wish you the best and hope this helped
if you have any questions you can send me a personal message. i know your in a tough spot and if you need more advice. ill be happy to help you

- Rina - 02-14-2013 01:56 AM

I'm a girl and I don't understand her. I think she definitely overreacted.
You're a nice guy for trying to spare her feelings and you didn't do anything wrong. Girls are full of drama.
I think you should end the relationship. Tell her that you think it is better for you to be apart, rather than staying in a relationship that is clearly not doing anything good for you or her.
If you want to , you can tell her you will help her if she ever needs you to (you said that you care about her), but stay strong, don't slip into a relationship with her again and after a while, if you think it would work, you could end up being friends eventually.