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Is social media ruining relationships...? - Printable Version

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Is social media ruining relationships...? - Keep Smiling - 02-14-2013 02:27 AM

It seems like nowadays people get so wrapped up in the social media scene that they forget how to have real relationships with people, real conversations.

I don't have facebook or twitter or anything like that. In my opinion, they are pointless. I'd much rather be with the people I care about and want to spend time with in person. Actually talking face to face and hanging out. I mean, what's wrong with a girl wanting to stay cuddled up on a couch with a guy all day just watching movies or something?

But nowadays it's always people sending facebook invites to parties and such and then those of us who don't have facebook and stuff never get the memo and end up being left out because nobody knew how to tell it to your face that the rest of your friends were all getting together at this time and this place.

To me it's just sad. Whenever I meet a guy they're always like 'Oh, I tried to find you on facebook. I must be spelling your name wrong' and I tell them no, that I don't have one and nobody can understand why. Personally I just want to find myself a man that knows how to be himself with me, in person, not through a computer or phone or whatever.

- Claude - 02-14-2013 02:35 AM

You could've said the same thing about the telephone when it first became popular. Bottom line, this stuff isn't going away, so you're gonna miss out on some stuff. You may have a point but it doesn't really matter. I'm sure you'll find someone who agrees with you, though, and you can be happy together. Good luck.

- ? - 02-14-2013 02:35 AM

Well done!

Your grammar and punctuation is amazing - I put this down to the fact that you don't use Facebook and Twitter... and nor do I!

I believe that social media IS ruining relationships, so you're not alone! It seems to me that instead of having a relationship with somebody, people are kissing in order to post a picture of it on Instagram or Facebook, and they forget to actually have the real life relationship!

- Alex - 02-14-2013 02:35 AM

I am a guy but I completely agree with everything you have said I don't have any of that social networking rubbish it's stupid also nobody gets me like why I don't have any of it or why I don't want it. Social media has corrupted the world but yet people don't care that is much more sad then people not having things like Facebook or Twitter. Also everyone these days because of the social networking sites lives in a virtual world

- Bobby - 02-14-2013 02:35 AM

I don't think it is.

You say: "I mean, what's wrong with a girl wanting to stay cuddled up on a couch with a guy all day just watching movies or something?"
Why can't you do this when you have facebook? People use facebook to stay in touch with others, but I know too that many people are obsessed with it. It's easy to invite (many) people to parties using facebook or telephone that's just how it is.

Facebook is for a mass amount of people and if it is a party where only the best friends of that person are allowed, you will be invited if you don't have facebook. For the other parties which are bigger and more regular friends, you will be missing out on those without it. Not because they don't like you, simply because they forget you don't have facebook like all others. It's something you chose for yourself by being different then others. You're not excluded, this is what you're chosing for by not going with the mass. Whether you think this is sad or not is for you to decide.

Also there are a lots of men who know how to be themselves. The fact they use phones or social media to keep in touch with friends or arranging to meet up through this doesn't mean they're not themselves. People have lots of "real" conversations with others, but just want to be able to keep in touch with people who they don't see that often or not as much as they want to.

In my opinion you're only seeing the negative side of social media and not the positive sides. People use social media to improve their real relationships with others, they use it to connect more with others.

Thanks for answering mine.