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Can someone provide examples of male privilege in today's Western culture? - Printable Version

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Can someone provide examples of male privilege in today's Western culture? - discouraged - 02-14-2013 02:51 AM

Examples of institutional sexism are especially welcome.
Examples of institutional sexism might include discrimination or preferential treatment by governments or other powers on the basis of one's sex.

Women have had the right to vote for nearly 100 years. Do women discriminate against female candidates?
Much of what you say is anecdotal and conjecture.

- KANE - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

Peeing standing. Urinals.

Only one I could think of really.

PS: Most male privilege comes with being born (physically) as a man. No privilege when it comes to the higher social expectations, longevity, legal rights in marriage etc.


LOL. You're blaming men for being male and stigmatizing women for being female. That's the problem with most women feminists, they can't accept being born as female. No matter what you do, these "subtle" biological differences will never disappear. Unless you want to deride a sex for being what it is.


To think that a liberated woman would want to be a bishop in a considerably "patriachal religion" is quite ironic if not moronic. It gives off the impression that feminists just want to put a finger into everything without first examining the relevance of their actions. Women can do anything in feminism it seems, even be a bishop in a religion that "puts them down". And I often wonder why men are more logical?

If you notice the " ", those are quotes from a feminist standpoint. Not my personal opinion or validation.

- My Evil Twin - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

i am 46 years old.

the percentage of 20 something women that would accept me as a sexual partner is an order of magnitude higher than the number of 20 something men that would accept a 46 year old female.

"institutionalized sexism".
it is good to be a man in a man;s world.

- AyeHye - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

A lot of it is very subtle and unquantifiable, but:

- 66-85% of the Cabinet, House, Senate, and Supreme Court are male.
- Teachers call on boys more often than girls.
- Male athletes are celebrated, rather than being accused of probable homosexuality.
- Men can typically walk down the street free from harassment.
- Men can be promiscuous and have that promiscuity tolerated.
- Men are often taken more seriously in universities and the workplace.
- No matter what a man does in life, there is more of a focus on his achievements and less of a focus on his appearance.

- Woody Red - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

I cant honestly cant think of a single one.

- Granny Tea - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

Here's just one example:

Here's another:

- null747 - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

The draft, Circumcision, differential sentencing in the criminal courts, and treatment in the family courts. Being portrayed as bloodthirsty callous slobs and dimwitted oafs or predators in the media. Differences in educational outcomes and availability in social services and medical research funding.

Yep it just stinks of privilege! Smile

- Chris - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

none that I know of

- InvisibleMan - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

I agree with AyeHye, most of the stuff he himself posted is really unquantifiable.

Tea- I'm only going to comment on the first study you posted. I imagine the other has the same glaring flaw.
Senior Author of the Study, Jo Handelsman-
"She is an active researcher and advocate of women in science issues."
Amazing that her results would what you'd expect from a feminist, right?

A privilege that most men enjoy? Can't think of one.

- PrettyLittleLiar - 02-14-2013 02:59 AM

I think Granny Tea's examples show clear proof of institutionalised male privilege.

The fact that women cannot become bishops is another.

There is still a pervasive idea that men are somehow more competent than women. I really do not see how you can argue against this when, at the same time you endorse comments like 'women are useless, they do not invent anything' or 'women are gold diggers'.

The first infers that women as a gender are less competent, the second that women cannot attain status in life without the help of a man.

Whether you choose to believe that gender stereotyping is a bad thing or not is not my place to say. I am only pointing out that it does exist.

I would not say it is the problem that it used to be, but, it does still exist.


You did not ask my opinion on whether women should or would want to work in a patriarchal institution that affords men clear and obvious priviledges based on their gender, you merely asked for examples.

The fact that you yourself agree it is a patriarchal institution shows that, even you, believe that male privilidge still exists in some aspects of western culture.

Why did you post this question if you could already answer it for yourself?