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Opinions on windows 8? - Jorie - 02-14-2013 03:20 AM

Hi, so I'm probably going to need to get a new laptop soon (mine is about 3 years old I believe). It's an HP so it is running on Windows 7. I don't really think I'm comfortable with a mac so I want to get another PC but I'm not really sold on the whole windows 8 concept. I just wanted to know peoples opinions who have used it!

- Brian - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

hate windows 8, i personally think it sux azz. Been in IT for 24 years i think its very a user unfriendly operating system , way to confusing

- yang - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

Windows 8 is good, has many feutures and its fast but for me windows 7 is easier to use and I like it more.

- Bomber - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

oh did I mention its crap?

Its horrible... its only good for touch screen... but thats about it, other then that, I hate it, Microsoft made a major mistake by releasing it. There was nothing wrong with Windows 7... it was the perfect OS, Microsoft is really good at taking good stuff, then making it bad... although Apple is just good at taking crap and making it worse.

- Matthew - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

Hey there!

I use all types of computers everyday. I actually bought a Windows RT tablet (running windows 8) and I am quite impressed with the fluidity of the new design.

Granted, it does take some getting use to. But after a solid session of browsing the web (or yahoo answers) you will get use to the gestures.

One key aspect is the touchscreen. I do think that the mouse commands are rather awkward, however the touch commands are great.

If you are willing to learn (and not be closed minded from the get go) then any technologically capable person will assimilate with windows 8 within a reasonable time period.

Good luck!

- June - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

Jorie, I just recently purchased a laptop for my business and it has Windows 8. I really don't like it for business, maybe if it was used more for entertainment I would like it a little better. I also am looking for a new HP for my personal use and I actually prefer Windows XP. I know in the end only you can decide which you like best. Maybe you know someone who owns a computer with Windows 8 and you can give it a try before you buy.

- SarcasticBig993 - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

From what I know about windows 8 I don't like it at all.
I offer free computer phone help and since windows 8
has been released I have gotten more than 150 phone
calls. The most popular question asked was how do i get
back to windows 7. Does that tell you something?
I have windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and that's what
I am keeping. My computer runs lightning fast.

- brayden - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

Look straight up. See that box that says "What are you looking for?" Type "Windows 8" in that box and look at the 100s of problems we've been dealing with since Santa Claus left Win 8 computers under the tree.

Win 8 is going to be another Vista flop, imo.

You can still order Win 7 on a Dell computer. I don't know about HP, but you should call their sales dept and ask, rather just going in a store and buying an out-of-box Win 8 HP computer.

- That Guy - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

Windows 8 sucks and I don't recommend getting it. It's hard to now though because Microsoft is forcing all computer manufactures to preload new computers with Windows 8 so new Windows 7 computers are hard to come by. I also don't recommend downgrading a Windows 8 computer to 7 because you will be left with a brick if you tried. The reason it will brick up is because new Windows 8 computers are set up to boot in UEFI mode. If you set it in Legacy BIOS mode, it will quit reading the hard drive and any other external devices and will take you to a boot error screen. This can be fixed, but it's a real pain to fix.

Now back to why Windows 8 sucks. I test drove it on my computer for about a month until I decided to just go back to Windows 7. I was able to go back because my computer is an older computer with BIOS and not UEFI so downgrading was easy. The Metro screen is about useless on a desktop or nothing with a touch screen and moving across the screen with a mouse or touchpad seems really cumbersome. Also the app store is a ghost town and the apps that are available are games and social media and have nothing productive. Also, the interface looks like it was designed by a 5 year old. The large live tiles make the screen chaotic because you have all sorts of colorful things moving around the screen and it can pose as a distraction. Also when you go to the desktop, you will have the most bland and boring Windows experience ever. Since Microsoft decided to drop the nice Aero effect that were use in Vista and 7, they left you with a bland, flat and boxy desktop interface that will bore you using a computer. Also the biggest I have had were drivers. Only about a third of my drivers worked on my computer. So unless you want to have a computer that is about as functional as a vegetable, don't get Windows 8

- D - 02-14-2013 03:28 AM

It's great. Best system yet.
