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How do you get rid of adverts on facebook, without installing/ downloading anything? - Printable Version

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How do you get rid of adverts on facebook, without installing/ downloading anything? - Liv - 02-14-2013 05:37 AM

A few months ago I got adverts/ videos on my facebook page. All my friends have checked and everyone has reassured me it's not a virus, is there a website where I can get them wiped off for free? I don't want to pay, download/install or make an account to do this.

- KerriAyling - 02-14-2013 05:45 AM

My first answer is to direct you to this article:

It says that Facebook's revenue for 2010 will be between US $1 billion and $1.2 billion. They don't charge for us to use our profile accounts (and they swear they never ever will, "honest!") so this revenue is almost entirely made up from advertising.

Obviously the ads are subsidising the cost of running the site - and perhaps a couple of packs of ciggies for Mark Zuckerberg as well. You can't wipe the ads without downloading something that will do it for you.

So the second part of my response is this..... There are plenty of really cool ad-ons for Firefox that'll do it for you. Depends which browser you're using but on Firefox I use one called "Boost for Facebook" - dunno if it wipes the ads lol.... but Boost gives you lots of nice other things like Auto-Poke and pretty colours for your profile (which only you can see, unfortunately).

The third part of my answer (then I swear I'll shut up lol)...

The ads are really really interesting. This is the first time in human history that the ads are actually starting to become relevant in a real-life way for the target audience - us. The bastards are finally getting it right. Have you noticed how PERSONAL your ads are? I'm 42 and single. I get ads with headlines that read: "ARE YOU 42 AND SINGLE?"

It's not scary, I think it's really cool. FB knows I like AC/DC so I get ads about them. And stuff I've mentioned in passing. And stuff to do with my "About Me" and my "likes" and "interests". I just dunno why they keep sending ads about weight loss and saggy boobs lol. (I presume they think just cos I'm 42 that I'm OLD).

Anyway if they keep sending an ad you don't like, you can give feedback which is cool. You can click the little X thingy and tell them why you don't wanna see that shit ever again (offensive, misleading, woteva).

Hope this helps. Take care luvvie.
