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Does anyone else find social networking a bit stressful? - Printable Version

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Does anyone else find social networking a bit stressful? - Rachael - 02-14-2013 07:04 AM

The constant need to post witty statuses and keep in touch with people is stressing me out. I liked life more when Facebook and Twitter didn't exist. It's impossible for me to quit now or else I'll be out of the loop.

Does anyone else find social networking a bit stressful?

- Jordan B - 02-14-2013 07:12 AM

Hated it. I deactivated my Facebook about 1 year ago. Some people will say it's weird but hey lifes to short to give a shit about what others think

Do what makes you happy

- Willwheaton - 02-14-2013 07:12 AM

its lame

- Loveisblindness - 02-14-2013 07:12 AM

Agreed. It's much more fun without either!

- jshakur4real - 02-14-2013 07:12 AM

Yes & we stare at our phones here & Don't interact together - not healthy

- girly - 02-14-2013 07:12 AM

Yes I wish those sites didn't exist. There too much drama and its ruined a 5 year relationship for me. I no longer use them sites you should deactivate yours

- Pickle - 02-14-2013 07:12 AM

It really is not "social" you know.

- Brett D - 02-14-2013 07:12 AM

yes - I wasted about 2 or 3 years on facebook - - I was only on facebook because I like this one lady who lived south - - and it is refreshing to read your question because YES it was hard work thinking of " witty " things to type - - well it was weird because we would text back and forth about four times then NOTHING - - then pokes - - - then later - - text back and forth - - then nothing then over and over - - I coaxed her through where she posted something on facebook which she thought would get her in serious trouble with a gang ( I told her most gangs would not do in a lady ( or guy ) unless money or drugs were involved ) - - - I coaxed her through were she made a fb post which got her demoted - she thought she would be fired and lose her house - then I got this girlfriend and this girlfriend dumped me after a couple of days and I obsessed about this girlfriend - - then the facebook friend moved up to the town I live in just before Christmas a year ago - and said she would get settled then we would go for coffee - so three months later after Christmas ( still no coffee ) - - she had posted twice that she was in a relationship - - ( a friend said with benefits she said I am not dead yet ) - - then she e mailed me and said let's go for coffee and I asked her if she was still in a relationship and she said yes - - So I said well if you are in a relationship we can't go for coffee - - and she said I was TOO CONTROLLING
- - - so the bottom line is 2 or 3 years of pokes and witty jokes and attempts at cheering someone up and on at least two occasions of trying to help someone through a difficult time - - WAS NOT EVEN WORTH 30 MINUTES AND A CUP OF COFFEE

win or lose / /// right or wrong //// good or bad - - - - the old days of face to face meetings was much better than these faceless nameless ( virtual NOTHINGNESS ) interactions - - - like those avatars ??? like an avatar named " Somebody " to me sounds more like No Body

- so having two sort of " break ups " happen so fast / back to back really hurt

so face book might work for some people but facebook did not give me a great experience