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How do I get visitors to my website? - Printable Version

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How do I get visitors to my website? - jj67221cc - 02-14-2013 01:31 PM

I have a new web store

- Matthew C - 02-14-2013 01:39 PM

Try to find forums which specialize in the market in which you are trying to break into, and, providing you aren't breaking any forum rules, advertise your site, maybe write a short and concise paragraph in which you simply explain what you sell and what you are about, trying to entice people to visit. Keep it short and sweet and post the URL several times. If you currently don't use a secure banking system, then get one registered and working on the website, such as PayPal, so visitors know that you are legitimate and are a trusted/secure website.

Good luck and I hope it works out for you!

- Maneesh - 02-14-2013 01:39 PM


- James - 02-14-2013 01:39 PM

You could hire an SEO consultant (like me) to do a review of your site and give you marketing ideas. Oh, heck, here's a few free ones:

1. You need links from topical sites. Do a google Blog search (see the menu on the left of google search result page) to find blogs that write about related topics, and ask them if they want to write about you or link to you. Some people may want to exchange links, which isn't always advisable, but if they are a good quality site and related to your topic, then it's ok.

2. Gain more Twitter followers by creating a daily newspaper with This service allows you to create an online newspaper, populated with content from your Twitter followers, or from ALL Twitter followers (which is the best option), and even from Facebook public posts. After creating this, set it up so that it Tweets out automatically every day. People will love that you mentioned them in the paper and they will visit you, retweet you, and mention you on Twitter.

3. Open an AdWords account with Google. Even if you don't have much money to spend on advertising, Google will give you a $100 voucher to start off with, and you can use it to get familiar with the AdWords system and learn about pay-per-click advertising.

4. Get links from Church sites, especially schools. Google and the other search engines like to see links from .edu sites as it gives your site more authority for having been linked from them.

5. Submit a free press release on

6. Put a blog on your site, or start a new blog at, and blog as much as you can, linking to your shopping site in every post. Use the Google AdWords keyword tool to look for related keywords that are not too competitive, and use these words in your blog post headline and in the body copy, increasing the chance that your site will be found for searches on those words.

7. Optimize your page Title tags: Right now your Home Page title tag says this: - Casual Clothes... Not Casual Christians
While that is a great slogan, you don't want your title tag to be a slogan...why? Well, the Title tag of a page is one of the clues that search engines use to match you up with a search query, so you want the Title to include some keywords that folks will search for. Again, use the AdWords tool to find a related keyword that is not too competitive, and put it FIRST in your Title tag... for example:
Christian Clothing, Christian Accessories | Shop the CAIstore
See that... those are two keywords that people might actually search for, and you will be letting google know that your site is about those things. Also make sure you use the phrases on the page itself, ideally in the first 100 words of copy. There is also someting called the meta Description tag, and your keywords should be in there too.

8. Put your link in the contact section of your personal Facebook page, and change your FB privacy settings so that "Everyone" can see your contact info (and remove anything you don't want public, naturally). This link has SEO value since the link will be available to people who are not your FB friend who make come across it in search results.

There's a million more things you can do, but generally it's about getting your link placed on good quality sites, and getting others to share your information by giving them something interesting to read.
Good luck

- Alexander - 02-14-2013 01:39 PM

There are numerous ways to get visitors to your website.
(1) Use a website submitter to submit to search engines.
(2) Create a video, publicize or advertise at video sites.
(2) Write share, comment about your website (leaving behind a url link) at forum, articles, discussion, blogs, social network sites, press release, articles, etc.
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- Danielfreakymelon - 02-14-2013 01:39 PM

You can Submit Directories,Blog,answers,where People Need your service ..Directories Like yahoo ,Dmoz etc helps to make your website come under search engine list and also help to gets Visitors...You can also use some Technical method,Tools to Bring visitors to Your site,Like Traffic Blazer also one SEO Service to get that good Result.You can get that at low cost here I used that SEO tool for my site to increase the Rankings..You can get the sales and Visitors,also Ranking in search engines by implementing it in your website...

Note :If You use the SEO means Your site Become Popular among People,also if it Business site means it you will earn money and Good Name.