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How do I overcome my social and school problems? - Printable Version

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How do I overcome my social and school problems? - Langdon - 02-14-2013 01:56 PM

Hi, I'm a 15 guy and I go to school in this medium sized town, it's a boarding school and I'm in my third year there. So ill start by telling you that about three months ago my parents said to me I can't go back to that school, I wasn't upset (as I at one point sort of fit in, although I was and still am kind of a nobody) I now haven't been at school because of money issues for a while, and have been homeschooled since then. I have now been told after three months that I can go back to my school. However unfortunately my school is a rough one for a private school, other private schools say it's full of chavs, just to clarify I am not a chav, but not posh either, I'm sort of middle upper. I've only seen one of my friends in these past three months, and psychologically this obviously means my "self esteem" has decreased phenomenally. I frequently feel suicidal, but I will NEVER commit suicide as I know for me this is not an option. Just to make it worse for me and my social life, my friend rang me, little did I know this would be the worst phone call of my life, others were in the background and were saying horrible things to me, as it turns out both my parents could hear the phone call and then talked to me about it, they were absolutely no help whatsoever. I am terrified of going back after everything that has happened. My brother and sisters now think I'm a "loser" at school and say it behind my back as if they know I don't know that's what they have said. My siblings are all very popular at their schools, but I am not (I am the youngest of 4) everything is going wrong and I try to keep myself enjoyed and happy, but the next minute my whole world hates me, what should I do?

Thank you for whoever even read this, because it means the world to me even if you read it and didn't give me an answer, however an answer would be fantastic, thank you!

- Jasmine - 02-14-2013 02:04 PM

I knw how u feel . . . In time you'll figure it out that all it is is life. I know one thing don't ever let anyone disrespect becuz they will feel they can do it again nd again. Also keepcyourself occupied nd do things u enjoy. Keep ya head up its gonna be okay u gotta be strong u r knw its all n ur mind. Goodluck

- Charlotte - 02-14-2013 02:04 PM

Clearly if your 'friends' have been saying horrible things then they are not and have never been real friends and I have honestly been in a similar situation. Ask you parents if you can go to a different school or try joining some clubs of things you enjoy doing.. It may sound like a trivial answer but that's what I did. I joined a drama club outside of school and met a girl who goes to my school there. I couldn't change schools cause I was in the middle of GCSE's as i had already sat a lot of exams but once I joined the drama club I gained a lot more confidence and in turn got me a best friend whos other friends gladly accepted me into their group.. I hope this helps because it honestly does get better Smile

- Patrick - 02-14-2013 02:04 PM

You know, high school isn't your whole life. It's just 4 years. No one will really care who you are when you get to college.

- HeartOfDarkness - 02-14-2013 02:04 PM

try to write in some forums like this: