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When illegal aliens give birth to a child, how much is the cost? how do they pay it? - Printable Version

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When illegal aliens give birth to a child, how much is the cost? how do they pay it? - jesswzmn - 02-14-2013 06:10 PM

how about if they need dental care? how do illegal aliens get dental care?

if they want to see the doctor because they fell have a pain in their leg, but its not emergency room type pain, how do they get do they for it???
wait...are you guys telling me that a child delivery could cost $10,000 and the govt pays for it for illegals ..and if it was a citizens we would get a big fat bill and monthly payment? say its not so !!!

- Nomad13 - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

Taxpayers pay for it. Welcome to the Land of the Free.

- Daddy - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

they get it for free at the health department, anyone can. they dont ask questions

- Jo Han - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

Thousands of dollars. They are almost always born in the emergency room, and if they cannot pay, the government (i.e. the taxpayers, or "the 53%", or "the evil rich people") pays for it.

- Mike - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

The taxpayers pay for it. Illegals have no money that is why they come here to have their children. They get paid to have babies here in the form of free medical care, food stamps, etc.

- usfirstgov - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

It cost the same it cost everyone else. They pay with legal tender, a.k.a, money.

There is no such thing as benefits to illegal aliens that US citizens or lawful permanent residents are not entitled to. I invite anyone to take me to one of these places where they allege that a person need only claim to be an illegal immigrant to get free stuff. Sure, they are charity organizations and social service groups that help immigrants but they would gladly help anyone in need, like your local food bank, they wouldn't turn someone away just because they are not illegally in the country by saying "Sorry, you're a US citizen, we only help illegal aliens."

- Frank - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

they pay cash ..or scam the service

- Sci Fi Fan - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

Us U.S. taxpayers pay for the "Anchor baby's" birth.............And we pay for everything else the kid gets as it grows up........even if American kids starve and go without,

- Devin - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

Due to the recent proposals made by President Obama, and various other reasons, it has become much easier for illegal immigrants to enter the country. To fix this problem he proposed that the illegal immigrants come clean and admit that they have committed the crimes, and then be willing to pay a fine along with the taxes that they already owe, learn English, and then take the various steps necessary for them to become legal citizens of the United States. It might not be too terrible of a thought, if it wasn't for he fact that this entire plan is based on hoping that the illegal immigrants are simply going to come out and say that they are illegal immigrants and pay their fine. Why would they come out and admit to the crimes that they have committed and then be forced to learn English, and pay their fines? They simply won't come clean and be willing to do all of this. The thought of people being willing to pay fines when they don't have to is simply ridiculous. I'd say roughly 1 out of a 100 illegal immigrants would come out and say that they came here illegally and then be wiling to pay the consequences. Since all of the immigrants do not wish to come out and admit that they are illegal, yes, we the citizens of the United States of America are simply stuck paying for all of their benefits and quite frankly taking care of illegal aliens that we shouldn't have to support at all, considering that they are already taking our jobs and not paying taxes. We spend billions upon billions of dollars on the things that you have listed above, as well as many others. We pay for their children's schooling, often their housing, food stamps and through many other sources of financial aide that the government provides for these illegal immigrants. Many hospitals located in central California have been forced to shut down, because illegally immigrants do not pay for their treatment that takes place in these hospitals, such as giving birth to babies and what not. Also, around 10 percent of the illegal immigrants participate in gang related activities and harm many residents of the Southwestern United States. The government pays for all of the needs of these illegal immigrants with our money, and this needs to be put to an end.

- Chief Whachusa - 02-14-2013 06:18 PM

It's not so.

I have always said "free" is not "free". look at answers that say "they get it for free..." or " the form of free medical care, food stamps, etc.". Now look at the answers that say"...the government (i.e. the taxpayers, or "the 53%", "the evil rich people") pays for it." or "The taxpayers pay for it.".
Clearly most know the uninsured may be covered by government programs at least. But I am sure that there is a percentage of those illegals and others having babies do so at home where any costs hopeful can be controlled.
I am just as sure that not every un(der)insured person runs out on their hospital bill. Some make and stick to payment arrangements made doing their best to fulfill their obligation to repayment.
As for costs, I do not see any reason why it would cost more for an illegal to receive treatment than any other person. The only variable to me would be unforeseen complications.
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) was not implemented only for illegals immigrants or due to illegal migration. It was enacted for the fair treatment and care to the un(der)insured. Neighborhood and local health and dental clinics were also not developed with a focus on "free" or discounted treatment for illegal immigrants but again for the fair treatment and care to the un(der)insured.
I paid taxes towards a new sports stadium, yet I am not a fan, follower nor interested in baseball, basketball, football or hockey. My point is we all are paying taxes that goes towards agendas and goals which have no personal interest, meaning or worth.
How many here are complaining about having to pay for Nadya Suleman eight babies? How many are complaining with all the media attention and then public or sponsored gifts that she and her fourteen children should not be broke and getting welfare again?
Look at the link provided by Devin. (in part)

....."#6 Thanks to illegal immigration, California’s overstretched health care system is on the verge of collapse.".....

follow the link for " on the verge of collapse." The article that comes up for "...California's overstretched heath care system..." does not mention illegal immigrants nor illegal immigration. Not very supportive of his statement ..."Many hospitals located in central California have been forced to shut down, because illegally immigrants do not pay for their treatment that takes place in these hospitals, such as giving birth to babies and what not."...

Just for kicks though go to the homepage of Now is it just me or does this page focus on "whites"?

Here are some links for some of the other unmentioned information some I disagree with and some only in part.

"Illegal Immigrants Give Billions to Medicare, Social Security With No Hope of Benefit"

"Immigrants Are Big Business for Private Prisons"