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Why does the media glamorize things that society tells us is wrong? - Printable Version

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Why does the media glamorize things that society tells us is wrong? - Naki - 02-14-2013 07:22 PM

It always boggled me even as a child growing up how the media can glamorize things that society pretty much tells us to stay away from like teen pregnancy, divorce, cheating/infidelity, drinking, poverty and more. The media shows us false ideas of each and we take it into our own hands to go along with it. Why?
@Geoff Being poverty stricken IS something to stay away from that's why we have opportunities to avoid being in that situation. Don't throw that Donald Trump bs on me, I come from a working class family who came from poverty and they made their way up, not feeling sorry for their circumstances, but gaining the obedience and ambition to do so. Sorry if you didn't read the other points in the question.

- Geoff - 02-14-2013 07:30 PM

Society tells you to stay away from poverty? So if only poor people had listened...they wouldn't be poor! They'd have stayed away from poverty. But they didn't stay away and now they've caught unemployment cooties!

Congratulations, I think you just made a major breakthrough into the workings of Donald Trump's mind.

EDIT: Naki, there ARE no points in the question. For one thing, you've failed miserably to explain what the distinction is between "society" and "the media" as reference points. All you've fed us is your own prejudices. And if you honestly believe your parents made their own way up from poverty by "obedience", then you're living inside your own head.

- violeta - 02-14-2013 07:30 PM

Reason: the new world order
social engineering: How to change society to their own liking. Brainwash you by showing you everyone else is doing it making you accustom to certain things. Like they use to show or write stories about affaires and not being content with your husband. Suddenly it is normal to divorce and remarry.

Kids in high school, samrt kids are nerds, cool kids are average but good looking, dumb kids can do sports. So really they are showing it is ok to just be dumb or average. Kids tend to act like what they see, if they are not doing so well or getting average grades they think it is ok.

Drinking alcohol at parties is a must, so teens try to drink alcohol before they reach the right age. I know I've seen it all the time in teen series and movies. Where they drink when they are not suppose to.

As a child I also found it strange, cause I watched ten commandments as a child and thought how strange people are who are religious and doing everything the bible tells them not to do. (I'm not relgious btw, but I act more religious than most religious persons I know)