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Is this girl a stalker & wants my life, or does she just admire me? - Printable Version

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Is this girl a stalker & wants my life, or does she just admire me? - Amey - 02-14-2013 07:41 PM

This insanely gorgeous college girl (way more beautiful than anything I've ever seen) copies literally everything I do; makeup, hair style/color, clothes, interests, etc- you name it. She likes every single one of my facebook photos/statuses I post. Whenever I talk to my fiancee she does this super loud, flirty, high-pitched giggle & frequently asks about him too. She befriends all of my friends, goes to all the same events I go to, copies all my hair/fashion style within the week. But she does these things in almost a subtle way & it's starting to bother me lately. I've known her for 5 years, but only hung out a few times. We never really talk.

I need some advice on how I should handle this, or if I should be flattered? What would you do?

- Penelope L - 02-14-2013 07:49 PM

Watch 'Single White Female' you'll have your questions answered.

- Joy - 02-14-2013 07:49 PM

Sociopathic condition..stay away_run do not walk & never look back! How do u know she's so dam pretty? See her w/out fake up did ya? I just rid us of one,i know by experience & the longer u entertain her,the harder it is ti rid u of this infestation! They hate rejection of any kind & it could get real dangerous! Just avoid her cautiously, use your tools of intelligence. Make yourself less available & when she's not looking make your escape!

Do not tell her of your likes/wants do opposite..and don't tell her of your plans under any condition! She will sabotage & deplete you of everything...k? Trust me I really know about this,i even did a article on sociopaths,i was very concerned still am too.I fear by circumstances I may never rid myself of her...prayer is a powerful tool that really Works as a optional device too ok? Best2u~