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Why do young girls want to have babies ? - Printable Version

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Why do young girls want to have babies ? - Joanna - 02-14-2013 08:26 PM

My oldest daughter had her son when she was 18 and she got married a few months after he was born and now my youngest daughter is 19 and she's also married and she's pregnant. I wish they would have waited until they were older I was 36 when I had my first daughter and 39 when I had my second and I notice that a lot of their friends on Facebook are also married and having kids and are younger than them. Some of them are 15 and 16. Why do all these young girls want to have babies ?

- Marvin - 02-14-2013 08:34 PM

I think it's because they lack a strong support and discipline system. They are looking for unconditional love and think a baby will fill that void. It also makes them front page news with their friends who immediately see them as more mature. Television shows like 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom are a bad influence because the girls on this show always seem to have interesting and drama filled lives.

- Anna - 02-14-2013 08:34 PM

im 20 and having twins.

tbh i didnt want two but now im excited lol.
the reason i wanted to have a baby was because im absolutley in love with my boyfriend of 4years and i love children.

my mother was stict i was never short of love or discipline she would liked me to have waited. butt i couldnt i wanted to be a young mum i want the responsibilty i want to make a home and be organised and loving.

i want to be like my mum but be my own person at the same time. its not that i never thought it through we spoke about it extensivley and made a informed descision.

i think age is just a number, its how mature you are. some mothers make horrible mothers at 30 and some of the best mothers are 17 and younger.

at the end of the day people have been getting pregnant young since the begining of time my grandmother was 19 when she got pregnant and her mother was married at 16.

each to their own, my sister probably will be 30s when she gets pregnant she want to travel and be single for as long as possible.

i think the fact your daughters are married is amazing most young mums dont get married!

good luck with the new grandchild and congratulations! xxxxx

- rehana - 02-14-2013 08:34 PM

I wouldn't mind having a babySmile i think its because they don't want to be old mums say if you have a baby at 16years old, when your baby turns 16 you will be 32? Think that's right. They care more about they look then responsibilities and think that their parents will do EVERYTHING for them and they can treat their babys like fashion dolls baby shopping is so cute and better then shopping for your self, baby shoes! Their so cute!:')
but if the baby isn't planed and unexpected for a reason like forgetting to put a johnny on and couldn't go through with a abortion they will then be stuck with the baby... Most teen mom will stick to their responsibility they honestly don't have any other chance if they want to keep the kid but then other give them up so they can carry on being a kid.

- luna - 02-14-2013 08:34 PM

I am 17 and have no interest in having babies for a long time. I have a big family and lots of nieces and nephews. I cannot imagine having a baby young. They are so much work.