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Do you post pictures of your children online? - Printable Version

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Do you post pictures of your children online? - pdooma - 02-14-2013 10:04 PM

Like in social media like Facebook? Do you allow others to?

- Thumperr - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

I post them but i protect my albums so only my friends can view them.
theres scary people out there Confused

- eminamydiaz - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

Yep same here. I do post pics of my baby boy, but only Family and VERY close friends that I have known for MINIMUM five years and Friends that do not have friends unknown to me can see the albums. NO ONE else is permitted to see what I post. I guess I can be called paranoid, but can we afford not to be in this society we live in?

- obedientdust824 - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

No I never post pics of my kids.

- Visualsweater767 - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

I post pictures of my children but I protect them by only allowing family and friends view them.
I try to be careful with what I say or post online,especially when it comes to my children.

- Vulgartable257 - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

No. I have small versions like my avatar, but nothing more than that.

- Chris - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

'If you would never harm a child, why are you so against mothers who take simple measures to protect their children? Not letting others see pictures of their children online is not overprotecting, its just normal! Why would any stranger, who isn't a sicko, care to see pictures of children they don't know?'

Im not against mothers taking simple measures to protect their children. Some mothers go over the top and overprotect. There is a difference between simply protecting them and overprotecting them. Not posting their pics on Facebook has nothing to do with protecting them because you can adjust the settings to where only friends and friends of their friends and family can see them. No it is normal because lots of people do it and they just adjust the settings. I never said anything of a kind. Why would any stranger who isnt a sicko care to see children they dont know ? First of all it happens. Not online, but in everyday life. Strangers see children/kids they dont know all the time walking down the street. Does that make every stranger bad at heart ? No #itch it makes them normal. 99.9% of strangers would never harm a child.

'I get my facts from many places. Its common knowledge. You're a dipshit for saying its not much. One out of three girls isn't much? If you had three daughters and one was raped and molested her entire childhood you wouldn't care? What a sick **** you are!'

You must not get your facts from many places and you definitely are paranoid because I tried to reply back to you but you dont im or have an e-mail address. Why do you even have an account on YA if you are going to hide your e-mail ? I know its so you can tell innocent people off like you did me and cuss me out and then make it so that I cant reply back in a normal email and have to do it this way. You are a cold hearted #itch. If one out of my 3 daughters was raped of course I would care, but you dont really here of as many rapings nowadays as your 'supposed' facts say. My daughters and sons would also know self defense because I would have them trained in it. What a sick fuck I am #itch !? You dont even know me, so dont go judging me and labeling me you dillusional #itch !

'Yes, I WILL protect my child. I'm not a moron and I feel very sorry for any children you have because they are most at risk. Not only because you are most likely raping them yourself, but because you obviously care NOTHING about their safety.'

You overprotect you paranoid little $lut. Like I said my way of thinking is fine and more than have the country thinks the way I do on this topic. You and some Moms and that 1 paranoid Dad are in the minority. Not only because you are most likely raping them yourself ? Ok #itch enough is enough. Just because I think normally and you are all uptight, on edge and constantly paranoid (which is an unhealthy way to live your life and raise your kids) doesnt make a sexual predator so get your facts straight lady ok !

'You are obviously one of those idiots who have no idea about the anything in the world. You're a moron who thinks the world is safe and nothing bad will ever happen to you. You better hope and pray your stupid way of thinking is correct and you luck out. You don't care because you're man and obviously a ********, but a woman is raped every 7 seconds in the USA. Go look up the info. But I'm sure a fellow pedophile and rapist like you would just tell me that's not much at all!!! (No one but a predator would minimized children being harmed and say its no big deal)'

I actually know plenty, so why dont you go be paranoid some more and stop cussing me out on YA and labeling a person you dont even know as a child rapist just because they have a normal way of thinking and you dont you overprotective skank. You see I can cuss you out too. You can tell how you were raised Ms Potty Mouth. I bet your husband divorced your paranoid ass because you couldnt take it anymore. I never said the world was 100% safe and that nothing bad will ever happen, but some of you Moms live your life in fear you think that there is danger at every corner and that couldnt be any less true. The world is a lot safer than you think. Problem is you paranoid Moms see 1 bad thing that happens and you think its going to happen again and again and again and you let fear take over your life. That is a sick way to think because that doesnt happen. Usually something bad will happen and that will be the end of it for a long time and for some things whatever it was that happened may never happen again. I dont care because Im a man ?! Ok listen up you sexist bitch. I care a lot about children/kids. I just think that a lot of you Moms that overprotect and are overlyparanoid and that only hurts your children because you are keeping them trapped inside a little bubble and they aren't allowed to run around outside or go anywhere by themselves because you won't cut the cord. A fellow pedophile like me ?! Why dont you quit labeling me already you sick paranod bitch.

'Go turn yourself in for all the kids you've *** raped and stop posting your retarded thoughts on YA.'

You are retarded for judging and labeling an innocent man who would never even think about raping, molesting, or kidnapping a child/kid. You got nothing better to do than to be a bitch and cuss innocent people out on YA just because they think normally and you live your life in constant fear. I feel sorry your kids.

Good-day to and your sick, twisted way of thinking.

- happycrook749 - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

I think Chris is so upset because he's having trouble finding children to kidnap and murder. Damn this economy! Tongue

No seriously, I post pics of my kid...but she's still in my womb so I think she's safe for the moment. After she is born I'm sure I will post pictures of her on Facebook or Myspace, but only my friends and family can see those so it doesn't worry me. I would allow my family to post pictures too as long as they kept them on those websites between their friends and family.

- Rugratzzzzzzzzzzz - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

I do not use face book, If people look at their T&c's they will find that media on that site becomes their property (not yours), I am not giving a company pictures of my children. do I put pictures of my family yes, but on a secure site (my own) and it password protected. only family have access. I will not allow others to post pictures of my family, why should they, If people want to look at pictures of families then there are plenty of sites that you can.

I am not knocking people that do, thats their choice I just done want to

All the best


- Steve - 02-14-2013 10:12 PM

ya naked ones........