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Coping with a breakup, please help me feel better? - Printable Version

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Coping with a breakup, please help me feel better? - king - 02-14-2013 11:10 PM

We dated for four years and he was a nightmare. He abused me in every form possible from emotional, to verbal, and physically hitting me or shoving my down stairs, to even kicking me while I was on the floor. Our relationship was always his way. I wasn't allowed to leave the house, wear any light color clothing, or any makeup and I wasn't allowed to have a Facebook or any social media. In the duration of our relationship I've only met two of his friends in the beginning of when we began dating. I lost so much hair and weight that now I'm showing signs of balding and weigh 84 pounds. I broke up with him a month ago because I couldn't deal with his abuse. While I lost all my friends due to him, he went out and partied all night. He lied about where he was and what he was doing. He met up with ex girlfriends and argued with me over the most ridiculous things. I can't stand him and I can't help but hope that he will be miserable in his life.

I know there are SO many people out there much better then him. He thinks he is above everyone for reasons I have yet to find out. I know I'm not going back to him though being with someone for four years is a long time. I know being without him is for the best but I still need help getting over him.

Do you have advice on coping with a break up or stories of your abuser and your success story? I'd love to hear some motivation right now
I'm 20 and he's 21

- Michela - 02-14-2013 11:18 PM

I'm so proud of you for leaving him. And you should be proud of yourself for your strength. You're worried right now that you won't even find anyone who will love you, and you're worried that your life is going to get worse. It's not. You must believe that you will get stronger and look back years from now and wonder WHY it took you 4 years to leave. I left after 14 years. Don't want that long. Don't waste your youth.
First step...begin to take care of yourself. And I mean take care of yourself the way that you wish someone else would. Give yourself a nice bath. And eat. Tell yourself (no matter how silly this sounds) that you will be happy, that you are strong, and that you DESERVE better. Because you do.

Being alone can seem like a big scary thing right now, but being alone and happy is better than being with someone and miserable. You know you made the right decision. You're going to get through this one day at a time. Ask yourself what would make YOU happy? And now I want you to make a plan to work towards that. You're so young! Go to college! Travel and study abroad! Don't wait until it's too late. Go now, while you're young and have your whole, wonderful life ahead of you.
Many blessings to you, honey.
Good luck. You'll be okay.

- Jack - 02-14-2013 11:18 PM

It is often said that time heals all wounds. Give yourself the gift of time and you will find the more time that goes by, the better you will feel. One thing you could do to cope is try to find a divorce support group to attend somewhere near you. Another thing I would recommend is going to church often, and praying that God gives you the strength to get beyond the past. Take time now that you are alone to read The Holy Bible every day and highlight those passages that speak out to you the most, and comfort you. Then in later days, go back and read those passages that speak out the most to you. I suggest you read Psalms written by David which is particularly soothing. Peace be wtih you now, and always.