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Is Serbia home of the mentally handicapped? - Printable Version

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Is Serbia home of the mentally handicapped? - Dick the dick - 02-15-2013 03:08 AM

so, let me get this straight.
After the soviet assclown's fell apart, they wanted to split up Yugoslavia and during the process they decided to commit mass genocide on innocent people just living there lives?
I understand this issue has a pretty long and complicated history behind it but it's still no excuse to commit such war crimes like the "ethnic cleansing" they decided to do to solve there "problems".
And yet Serbians still whine like little b*tches about the US being brainwashed, fat, warmongers who like killing civilians for fun.
Like i said, i know this was an extremely complicated subject and there are probably frigging 100,000 documents on this.
But why do they have to hate Americans?
All we were doing was what the UN told us to do and listening to our European allies.
Blame the Europeans also then. Not just the Americans.

- Arrogantelbow729 - 02-15-2013 03:16 AM

Maybe my Croatian ancestors were right about the Serbs. They had quite a few choice words for them.

- CheckMinus - 02-15-2013 03:16 AM

That is a tough one. If I were to guess I would say it's because NATO took out their entire infrastructure overnight. Imagine what it would be like if every power line, every water pump and every truck stopped working suddenly. Not only that, but they have been damaged so badly they cannot be fixed. How many couldn't get water and power? And for how many years? Building modern infrastructure from scratch is insanely expensive and a logistical nightmare. I would be interested to see the statistics on how many people died or were thrown into poverty as a result of NATO's bombings. Genocide is never a good thing. I have heard they are still racist toward the group that was being killed. Since that minority group is still looked-down upon and we are seen as the ones that 'liberated' that group and wiped out all 'modern life' in the process it is not surprising they hate Americans.

- DiSn3y - 02-15-2013 03:16 AM

Oh u dumb bastard ... do u even know who wanted to break up yugoslavia and why ??? It was USA thats who , and germany went right with it cuz they wanted it to but not as bad as usa , and thats only because it was a big , powerfull slavic country , and they saw it as "little russia" , but still we were independent , didnt need anything from usa or russia , but in spight of that usa and germany still wanted to break it up , and when tito died usa & germany start hatching up plans and some years later they put them in action ... and those "mass genocides" and "ethnic cleaning" u mentioned r nothing more then ur media lying to u ( yes there was a WAR here no ethnic cleaning no genocide , but a WAR , and awfull things were hapening on BOTH sides ) so that the whole world would hate us and not u , and we and the whole world knows that NATO , UN , EU r just big usa puppies so dont try to put this on them , and one last thing , normal people here in serbia in spite what u think u know dont hate regular folks , from where ever , we hate ur goverment and dumb assholes , not regular people , know the difference

- Jovan Jankovic - 02-15-2013 03:16 AM

Serbians blame Europeans,too,dont you worry about it (although I wouldnt be worried if I didnt feel guilty for something,if I was you).
Besides what some other people have said,"we hate" USA for ignorant people like you appear to be.Playing smart in stuff they simply can never completely understand (not because you are American,but because you are not from Balkan).And you dont seem to understand some other things,too,like media and social Darwinism ("Is Serbia home of the mentally handicapped?" sounds like that-and nazism does,too).
Ok,I hope you got it that I am Serb.I cant be completely objective,but its on us from Balkans to solve that,not you.
I dont hate Americans or Western Europeans.I just hate capitalism they conduct.("Hate the sin,not the sinner." thing).