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How can i stop doubting my boyfriend and go back to trusting him? - Printable Version

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How can i stop doubting my boyfriend and go back to trusting him? - Gabriella - 02-15-2013 03:40 AM

Well he kissed another girl a long time ago. I was over it until I would hear about him hanging out with friends and her being there. Then he went away to school and we've stayed together... but I figured out his twitter and instagram password and im constantly checking it to find something. Whenever he doesn't text me or doesn't call me or is upset I check it. I know its bad and I want to stop.

I was thinking about telling him but I'm afraid hell tell me I dont trust him and end it.

Its all really messy and I really do want to be with him cause he makes me happy. But I have to get past this.

How can I?

- Katy - 02-15-2013 03:48 AM

Well first of all, getchoself a cold pop.
Maybe go to a nice barbecue.
Get some treatment for your bronchitis.
And stop being crazy crazy crazy cray crazy
cold pop.
Please don't check his twitter and instagram you loon.

- Emily - 02-15-2013 03:48 AM

If he cheated on you with this other girl (kissed her while you two were dating,) that's a serious blow to anyone's self esteem, trust, and ego. It sounds like you aren't really "over it" if you can't trust him when he doesn't text or call back right away. You could tell him straight up you don't like her and don't like her being around him, or you could take a few days to think about it and decide if you really trust him or not. If you can't trust him, the jealousy issues will lead to fights and your relationship will fall apart. I think it's mature of you to address the issue when you two are in private and can talk. Try to keep calm about it, but tell him it still bothers you and you want to be able to trust him, and you're trying, but he has to do certain things to gain your trust back. Remember, he's the one that kissed another girl, so don't feel guilty for losing trust for him. Good luck.

- GirlieGirl - 02-15-2013 03:48 AM

I don't think it is right for you to invade his privacy like that. That isn't good, although I completely understand why you did this. Just ask yourself, "Am I okay being in a relationship with a man that I don't fully trust?" I guarantee you I already know the answer! The fact that you feel the need to check up on him is not a good indicator for future success in this relationship.

I would just move on with my life and tell him that you don't know whether you can trust him. I know it is hard, but if he had the gall to do it once, what makes you think he won't do it again??

- Evgueni - 02-15-2013 03:48 AM

You need to understand that you don't truly love that guy, because when you do - you want to make HIM happy. You're being selfish, and continue this relationship just because he makes YOU feel good.
Just remember - there is no love without trust.
You need to make yourself love him and to make HIM happy, because the only way to be happy is to make your loved ones happy.

Best of luck.