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tons of questions about twitter.? - Printable Version

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tons of questions about twitter.? - Meh. - 02-15-2013 07:24 AM

I just started a twitter account so I'm a little lost. I'm following some people so I can read their tweets, can they read mine too? can the people following them read mine? and can random people that I don't know find me on there?
You did help! Thanks Smile

- Whisperx - 02-15-2013 07:32 AM

1. People can only see your tweets if they follow you, or if they click on your profile.
2. Yes, random creeps can find you. However, if you don't say where you live or anything, they can't find you. They can only read your tweets.

- Jennifer Wu - 02-15-2013 07:32 AM

Only People you follow can read your tweets. And only people who follow you can read your tweets. And random people CAN find yo. It's best to keep your account private so when they do look you up and want to follow you, they need to have approval from you first.

- Emily McPherson - 02-15-2013 07:32 AM

When you follow someone on Twitter, you can see their tweets but they cannot see yours. However, when you first follow them, they get a notice so that they can follow you back if they wish.
Anyone can follow your tweets (as long as they go to your page and click 'Follow'); you get an email or text saying "(whoever) is now following your tweets on Twitter." You can block them if you want, then they can't see your tweets.
You can also go to settings and put security on your tweets so that you can approve of who follows you. For example, if I were to go to your page and click "Follow", you would get an email or text saying "Emily wants to follow you on Twitter" It's like a friend request on facebook: You can accept (they then can read your tweets) or ignore (they won't know if you ignore but they won't be able to read your tweets).

Hope I helped! Smile

- flowerchild - 02-15-2013 07:32 AM

I have a twitter too. so, the people you follow cannot see your tweets. only your followers can see your tweets. unless one of your followers retweets one of your tweets, then all of his/her followers can see that tweet. the people following the people that you follow cannot see your tweets. random people you dont know may stumble upon your profile when browsing..after a while you will see that random people will start following you bc they are trying to gain publicity for something. I like twitter...if you want you can follow me, my name on twitter is sm_surfer..all right well i hope i cleared up some confusion for you Smile