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Why is this girl such a WITCH ? - Printable Version

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Why is this girl such a WITCH ? - Love2TheFullest - 02-15-2013 12:12 PM

Let me try to make this as short as I can ......
This girl and I used to be friends, up until recently I thought we still were even though we didn't really hang out like before. We became friends in 2007-2008 and in probably 2009 had a huge falling out. We began speaking months later, after she drunkenly tried to apologize to me. I let it go because I'm not a person to hold grudges or get revenge. We would speak and be nice when we saw each other, but never really hung together like how it was and I was ok with that because I was still wary of her.
Now in the past month we began following each other on twitter. I mentioned one day something about our hometown and how I wish I could move .... she then starts basically bashing me, although she never referred directly to me, saying stuff about "unemployed baby mamas" etc. So of course i lashed back at her. First of all, I consider myself married (common law) and I have 2 kids with a wonderful man who allows me to be around for my kids instead of tied to a 40 hour job while he earns the paycheck. This girl of all people should know better, her own mom doesn't work and has been there for her so why would she begrudge of it MY children??? Furthermore, why is she so angry when I've done nothing to her ??? I can onlly put it down to jealousy.
I started working at 16 and moved out at 17, had a kid at 19 and knew what being an adult was, paying bills etc. She is now almost 30 and lives at home and has never paid a bill beyond buying clothes and makeup in her life. I guess that's where her problem comes in, I'm not sure. (I honestly think she is a sociopath though.)

I just want to know why is she an evil, vindictive person? I've basically cut her from my life and will ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist in the future. But I just don't get it and I guess being the person I am, I always think there's a reason and want to understand why.

- Emily - 02-15-2013 12:20 PM

Like you said, I think she's jealous. I think this is the reason she bashed you out. Because she doesn't have a great man who works and lets the girl cook and be with her TWO kids. So just ignore it, she is being so immature especially at 30, haha. (:

- Lauren - 02-15-2013 12:20 PM

There is pretty much only one answer. She is totally and completely jealous of you! You have a husband, a house, kids, responsibility. She's living at home, with nothing going on. She wants your life! You probably just caught her at a bad time, when she was feeling most insecure, and she took it out on you. While it it TOTALLY NOT OKAY, it's still understandable. She sees this life you have, and these things that you have that she doesn't, then when you have the ''guts to wish for something else!" How dare you! *gasp!*
You should probably send her a private message basically saying, "I'm sorry for whatever grudge you hold about me, but saying those things are not okay, and I would appreciate it if you would please keep 1) my kids out of this 2) those things to yourself. Thank you.'" I hope everything is okay!

- Jason - 02-15-2013 12:20 PM

If you want to understand crazy people, put yourself in their shoes bur I believe most of the time they are misunderstood creatures wanting attention, victims of insecurity and an outcast from love and fulfillment, maybe their expectation from the world is to high or maybe they had it rough growing up... Yes, even if life doesn't turn out the way we want it, we have no right to act badly and take it out on other people but some people do, actually a lot of people because it makes then feel better that other people suffer too and are filled with problems and if you don't have a problem, they will give you one.

She might be hurting more then we know. She might also be constantly fighting with her self. She's done it for so long, it's become a habit and maybe it's beyond help, she's transform into a witch.

Stay away from that monster, keep her away specially out of your head, the best way is to always have a healthy perspective when ever she appears.