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Does facebook target its advertisements specifally to each person? - Printable Version

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Does facebook target its advertisements specifally to each person? - thestormlscoming - 02-15-2013 12:20 PM

I've noticed that the advertisements on the side of facebook are always about things that i wrote about in my personal information. like they'll talk about bands and activities that i do, and i dont think it's just coincidence seeing as those arent the most popular things and what not. did anyone else notice that or am i just paranoid?

- MissFliss - 02-15-2013 12:28 PM

Yes. Facebook started noting down what you put in your personal intrests so it cause find an ad which might be of intrest to you
Or, what it is probably trying to do is get more advertisers and rob all your money =].
I read this is The Times newspaer a few weeks ago.
Hope i've helped solve your confusion lol.