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I can't stand my brother's girlfriend... I don't know what to do? - Aubrey - 10-12-2012 04:47 AM

I just can't stand her. I forgave her so much times... she's just so immature and rude, and she called ME rude just recently. My brother went to the military, and right before he left we got into an argument. But a day after, I told her I'm sorry, and that I love her.. and we made up. But after we did... everything went downhill. She didn't bother visiting my family when my brother was gone, and she goes telling all her friends that we don't like her and don't accept her into the family... but she doesn't bother to see us, or greet us on holidays, what does she expect?

Not only that, but she's been talking about me to other people. Some people think I'm a bitch, since they only hear her side of the story. She's just so UGH! Her facebook and old twitter posts were all mean things about people, for example: "Everyone around me is so IRRITATING, JUST STFU BITCHES." She always posted stuff like that. and more immature stuff. I can't stand it... I try to ignore her, but everyone brings her up, and says I need to give her a chance, but I already did before...

Now that my brother is back, my brother expects me to be close and nice to her... after everything that happened, and she never bothered to say sorry, or she still TALKS about me. I feel forced, and I feel like a bad person because I "won't be her friend".

All the rumors I hear about her too, that she cheated on my brother while he was up in basic training. I don't trust her at all. I used to tell her things when we were close, and she ended up telling people anyways. I just don't know what to do... I feel like a horrible person, at least, everyone makes it out to be because she APPEARS TO BE INNOCENT to everyone else ><!

No one listens to my side of the story, or cares about how I feel about this...

- Alana Atkins - 10-12-2012 04:55 AM

I quite honestly think that you should let this go. I know it's hard to do, but you've said it many times during your post... she is immature, and isn't dealing with things the way she should be.
People will find out what kind of a person she is. It may take awhile, but they will... it happens to everyone like that at some point, and she will end up being forced to come to terms with the mistakes she made.
You are going to have to deal with her as long as your brother is dating her. and my advice would be not to let things get out of control, more than they already have. Do not sink to her level and bring other people into it. Keep opinions to yourself, unless they absolutely need to be addressed.

The only other thing I could think of doing is writing her a letter... asking her to sit down and talk to you about things. Tell her with "I feel" statements how you are perceiving her, and what you would like her to realize. But keep in mind, that this might not work, but at least you made an attempt to get to know her better, and understand why she has done the things she has done.
That is the only mature thing to do. If she rejects this letter as an offering to talk peacefully, then tell your brother that you have tried everything in your power to be on good terms, but now... it's just going to be an acquaintance type relationship with her.

Hope it works out.

- Violet Michelle - 10-12-2012 04:55 AM

Wow she is a total bitch! You should talk to your brother about this problem and try to get him to listen and understand. Hope fully he will take your side of the story not hers. Hey and dont let your self. Defend your self from that whiny bitch. GOOD luck!

- Jordy - 10-12-2012 04:55 AM

You need to talk to your brother about this. He'll help you through it by talking to his girlfriend.

- angelina - 10-12-2012 04:55 AM

You should be like.. you know why I don't like you, this is.. all the reasons why I fucking hate you!

I can't stand your immature bullshit, rude comments you say to people and to my brother and disrespecting me as well. You have no morals or ethics or values at all, you're disgusting.

Sounds like she really doesn't even like your brother but is using him for the benefits.

Let her talk shit, and then when you hear her talking shit about you, then be like.. look I never did anything to you, and so you have no reason to talk shit about me behind my fuckin back. I can understand if I did something to you but hating on me doesn't make you any bigger then you already are.

NO, kidding! I know what you mean.. they're so annoying and catty and dumb. Just stay away from the "hater", she's probably mad bc you have a heart and she doesn't.

Fuck that! Tell your brother I don't owe her shit, I'm not going to kiss someones ass who is rude and vulgar to me. I'll be "fake" nice, but once she talks crap I'm going to confront her.

Because she's vain and she's always right! Just be like.. uhhh huh, out one ear and out the other.

And then if she say's did you hear what I said, then be like what was that, I'm sorry I'm too vain with myself!

LMAO! Dude, no one can Force you to like her, that's her fuckin problem. I refuse.

I'll be nice, but I won't be her friend.

Wow, really? Maybe, you shouldn't listen to rumors at all, because you don't even know if it's true or not.

Then don't trust her, but also don't tell your bro she's bad either bc he will rebel and be like "youre just jealous".

LOud mouth, huh? Everyone has a big mouth.

It doesn't last, she's FAKE!!!

Let, people judge her and find out the real her and the only way she will show her true self is when you completely ignore her, don't tell anyone she's fake. THen sooner or later the "real" side will come out, until then she will lie and try to cover herself by acting.

Then.. who cares what they think, if they wanna take her side then do so!

But, only you can be true to yourself no matter what anyone say's or does to you, you just be blunt about it, when she makes up some bullshit, lies.. just stare at her and laugh at her and give her the eye or ignore her! I think you should ignore her, because when she's trying to get your attention because she's vain and everything you just ignore her, because she wants attention and don't say a word and let her keep talking crap about you, you said all you needed to say; let her dig her own grave.

You know the eyes are the gateway to the soul, when you pay no attention to her, everyone's going to be like why are trash talking about my sister? She told me why she didn't like you, now.. you keep talking trash about her, hating on her when she was probably telling the truth to begin with.

IF they don't care about how you feel, then why should you care what they think or say about you!! Obviously they're just as nasty as she is if they agree and like her over you. But, don't be fooled not only will something bad happen to her, get caught for cheating, everyone else.. will have bad karma as well.

Only you know the truth, and sooner or later they will see the truth.

Until then you know.. and so don't react or flip out!

It all back fires in the end, it's called "Karma".

- Alecia - 10-12-2012 04:55 AM

i cant stand my brothers girlfriend either i just ignore her i don't try to be friend with her nor do i try to be enemy's i say what i gotta say to her and thats about it she always runs her mouth about me just ignore it there the ones being immature you just need to step up and be the bigger person and tell your brother you will try to be nice and close but let him know what is going on and that it does work bot ways she can put the effort out to ! and her true colors will eventually shine everyone will find out what a ***** she really is it just takes time ! just be the bigger person put an effort out to try and act like you like her now if shes still being a ***** after you put out the effort tell her off dont put up with her ****

- unknown - 10-12-2012 04:55 AM

I felt the same way about my brother's girlfriends too and some girls he dates. One girl he dated after currently breaking up with his ex (because her parents wanted her to date some other guy that they think would be good enough for her) became pregnant by another guy, even though he was my brother's friend's sister. We all know she's a good girl and I like her but apparently, some other guy popped up from out of the blue and stole her from him, without him knowing later on, and made her pregnant. He was upset at first, saying some nasty things about him, calling him an idiot. He's just like every guy in my hometown who steals other guys' girlfriends or wives and sometimes makes them pregnant. All I know is if this guy ever showed up at his apartment or my family's house and did something stupid to him, he'll eventually knock the h*ll out of him and blow his brains out. Don't get me wrong, he knows martial arts and is a cop and no guy ought to mess with him over a girl, especially if she doesn't like either one of them. But, luckily he got over it right away and is not looking for any girlfriends because it's hard to find eligible single girls in my hometown. Most girls in my hometown are either married or in relationships and most of the guys are single, yet very desperate, aggressive, and overbearing.

Anyway, I believe you're doing the right thing by protecting your brother from a girl like this and that you're concerned about him. I suggest you talk to your parents or some other people you know well and trust and hopefully, they'll get her to break up with him. I mean, this girl is ruining your brother and your brother deserves someone that will not use him and dispose him. Don't set him up with someone you think is good enough for him because that's wrong. Just let him decide who he wants to date and if you don't like it, then tell him or other people you know well about it.