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People are in for a rude awakening!? - Printable Version

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People are in for a rude awakening!? - Gary Sheppard - 02-15-2013 04:12 PM

Facebook claims 1 billion users? Do they know I have 7 fake accounts?

Facebook generates 5 billion in revenue per year? Most of it is money spent by people who they advertize with. Its called bartering.

Facebook has no serious competion for now, when it comes, watchout!

They are selling @ over 30 dollars a share! Get out while u can folks, their bubble will burst!

That company is trying to sell a dream, will not last, never does!

So many false numbers it is pathetic, 1 billion users??? Lmao! More like 200000 million and the generated money from their ads is all unrealistic!

I have managed to master the art of ignoring the ads, dunno what they look like anymore! Lol

Anyone disagree with me on this?

- Jack - 02-15-2013 04:20 PM


- Labmember01 - 02-15-2013 04:20 PM

I don't use a website that leaves the front door open to the government to spy on my life.

So no. Fuck you.

- Emilia - 02-15-2013 04:20 PM

i guess nobody disagrees with you! Big Grin
but for real, i don't ever look at the ads!! forgot about them.
and there are many fake accounts over there..

- LOONEY - 02-15-2013 04:20 PM

Geeze, you must be a freakin' genius. I'm so glad you opened my eyes to those worthless factoids. Like you, I'd rather pay to use FB than looking at stupid ads.

- Nonnie22 - 02-15-2013 04:20 PM

I would disagree that any of this is relevant. Sounds like you're a tad obsessed with FB.