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Wheres the best place to advertise my web site for free? - Printable Version

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Wheres the best place to advertise my web site for free? - Kieran - 02-15-2013 04:31 PM

I've been working on a website to sell computer parts and gadgets over the web to Ireland and the UK. I just don't know fully how to go about advertising. I've never done web design, or advertising so I'm a little new to this. I've been trying to set this up to help fund me through college. How successful it is only time can tell. Anyone know anywhere I can advertise for free so I can try and boost things?

- Aseem K - 02-15-2013 04:39 PM

The best place is social media. Facebook, twitters and other social media. Just get your friends to subscribe and get them to talk about it in Social media.

- James - 02-15-2013 04:39 PM

Hmm. Advertising tends to be quite a hard one, but for free, hmm, im not sure...
The best ones in my opinion are on facebook and google adsense
Look up google adsense, and also google analyctics for help..
Best way to make money though, using SEO tools (search in google if you don't know how to use it) get your website to a high ranking on google, and advertise it just generally on social networks, if it's any good, people will go on it, share it, and loads of people will find it. However the way to find things, is to get adverts of OTHER companies on your website.. Each time someone clicks one of those ads, you'll be paid a small share of money, say 5 p, but the more popular the website, the more clicks etc, etc.....
However, general advertising, insert money to get money out.. Google adsense and SEO are the best way forward

- Mount - 02-15-2013 04:39 PM

The best method of advertising (that is also very cheap) is SMS text messaging. My PC repair biz uses it all the time, and we constantly have new clients and old clients coming in when we have sales, specials, what have you. It is extremely beneficial.

- PAUL F - 02-15-2013 04:39 PM

If you're trying to get your site up the google rankings try listing it with places like the DMOZ directory. Also see this very post for an example of publicising your site easily and for free.

- Steven - 02-15-2013 04:39 PM

You can use free classified ads, facebook, twitter and Google plus. Also submit to local business listing websites so that locally people could find your business site.

Best Regards,