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How do i start my at home business? - Printable Version

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How do i start my at home business? - Mark - 02-15-2013 06:55 PM

I want to start an at home business selling cheesecakes that I make. I already have a great advertising on Facebook. I have a slogan and a logo and people are liking it. But I need to get people to order I want to quit my job and just work at home please somebody help me out.

- wealthygirl66 - 02-15-2013 07:03 PM

Are you going to ship your cheescakes around the world or are you going to market it locally?

If locally, get involved in your community, Chamber of Commerce, etc.. Sponsor sporting events, have a cheesecake party and pass out samples (and take orders).

Write press releases and submit to your local newspaper and other local newsletters.

That's just a few to get you started.