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How to get a girls Facebook number ? - Printable Version

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How to get a girls Facebook number ? - Hasan Zulfic - 02-15-2013 07:33 PM

I've been talking to her since Friday. I really really. Like her, like when we talk she would do the winky face. Wink I really just like her. We have a few things in common, but I just want to get her number lol. I don't know the proper way to ask, or something to sound like a creep. Who ever could help me out, I will rate you 5 stars.

- My - 02-15-2013 07:41 PM

I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?

- lasheba - 02-15-2013 07:41 PM

Option 1.) maybe we should text sometime..(give her your number)
Option 2.) quit being a pussy and ask damn it

- 77Vd 77VW - 02-15-2013 07:41 PM

just ask her....

Women are HUMAN.... talk to women no differently than you talk to other guys..

"hey what's up... i think you're cool, but i gotta take off, wanna text?"

of course, everyone does the winky face to everyone, it doesn't necessarily mean she is into you because she does the winky face... she's not really winking at you.. sometimes it's like people saying LOL all the time LOL... omg LOL.. i'm not ACTUALLY laughing out loud..

just ask for her number.. she will either give it to you or she won't. if not, talk to her until she feels more comfortable with you.

here's a TIP though.. if you're too shy to ask for her number, you're going to be WAY too shy to actually talk to her on the phone... so... just talk to her as much as you can on FB.......................................... then ask for her number once you grow the balls to talk to her.