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why do xbox 360 owners say xbox live is better than playstation network? - Printable Version

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why do xbox 360 owners say xbox live is better than playstation network? - Steven - 02-15-2013 09:38 PM

arent they the same except that ps network is free

- Brian - 02-15-2013 09:46 PM

No!!!!! XBOX is friendlier and easier to uses.

- Aj - 02-15-2013 09:46 PM

With xbox live your paying for better quality service

- Who am I? - 02-15-2013 09:46 PM

live isn't full of 12 year olds that cry when you beat them at something

- nelly - 02-15-2013 09:46 PM

I think it depends on the system you have. People that have Xbox, say it's better, and people with PS say its better because it's free, I think someone with both systems should answer this question.

- The Inc - 02-15-2013 09:46 PM

I have both and live is by far the worst.
its full of lil babies that quit as soon as the lose,and it lags so bad.
psn is more for adults,and its much more smooth and no lag

- Beef_stew4u - 02-15-2013 09:46 PM

Personally i prefer PSN over LIVE because its free Wink. I do own both consoles and I do pay the $50 a year for live but thats only so i can play halo and l4d with one of my friends.

Most people try to say live has more features and offers a more quality service than PSN and that the $50 price tag is justifiable but this is far from true. PSN and xbox LIVE have the exact same features except for two things that live has over psn: cross-game party and voice chat. Only problem is, it has been confirmed that cross-game voice chat (so presumably cross-game parties, cuz how else would you do the chat?) will be in firmware 3.1 for ps3. Ps3 also has one major and one minor feature over live. The minor one being that you can use your ps3 to print pictures on a network or bluetooth printer, and the major being the web browser.

Most xbots try to say that the new additions of facebook, twitter, and netflix on the 360 make it better. But they don't realize that the ps3 has had these features since day one because of the internet browser. With the internet browser, you can go on many other sites like ebay, amazon, myspace, and any other social networking sites that you may frequent. And ps3 users have always been able to stream netflix from their computer to their ps3. And just a few days ago Netflix announced that within a month, they will release a real netflix application for ps3.

Most people also don't realize that online 360 games don't use dedicated servers. Which begs the question:' where is the money being spent? Isn't it supposed to be spent on making the online play smoother and better?' The cold hard fact is that online 360 games use p2p technology. Meaning there are no servers except for stat tracking and the game will pick the person with the best connection in the game to be the host. What if you get a bunch of people with even just moderate connections? Even a 1mbps connection, which would be more than enough playing on a dedicated server, would cripple a p2p game with connection lag. Anyone who has play any 360 games online will know that at least 1 out of every 2 games will lag. That is why ps3 has dedicated servers, so that having one person with a bad connection won't make the game lag. The only problem with this is that if the servers get swamped, all games will lag until the servers are upgraded. But even the simple servers used for stat tracking and to see if people are online were down for almost a month when halo 3 launched a few years back.

And then theres ads. Ps3 has no ads whatsoever except for in the Whats New section where you see new psn releases and all things new in the playstation world, and ads for new releases in the playstation store. The 360 on the other hand bombards you with ads. Every section, every subsection, of the NXE menu is filled with ads.

What do ads mean? Well, aside from all of the clutter on your screen, they make Microsoft money. Along with the $850 million they make off of live subscriptions every year. But WHERE do they put this money? Its not going to dedicated servers, so it MUST be going straight into their pocket. Sony, on the other hand, don't make any money off of subscriptions, and they don't make any money off of ads since they advertise their own products so where are they getting this money from? From their pockets. They are doing the opposite of microsoft, they are using their money to make their service better.

And in the end, thats what it comes down to. Which service is better. And by the time firmware 3.1 hits, PSN will officially have caught up with and surpassed LIVE.

In conclusion, why do 360 owners say LIVE is better? So they can justify the $50 price tag.

edit: wow, I just realized i pretty much wrote an essay on here lol. 645 words xP.

2nd edit:

To the below guy. There are some games that use dedicated servers on 360, but generally most don't the only two that come to mind are battlefield and rainbow six vegas. Halo 3 does not use dedicated servers, it uses p2p. Thats why every game has a player host and when that host leaves, it has to pause for a few seconds pick another player to be the host.

Why would Microsoft pay to have Battlefield 1943 produced for consoles? It came out on ps3 too so thats a pretty stupid point to make.

The whole point of talking about servers used for hosting video and content and such is completely pointless since PSN does the exact same thing. How else would they get the content to people? And another thing i would like to point out, LIVE is only available in 26 countries while PSN is available in 36. And on PSN, if you live in a country outside of the service area, you just have to sign up for an account from another region and you can get online. (I have an american, european, and japanese account to get content that comes out in other regions).

- Saint Silence - 02-15-2013 09:46 PM

Xbox live DOES use dedicated servers in big games like the Battlefields, Fable, Halo 3 and many others. The call of dutys do not use dedicated servers because the games are not developed to use them. And microsoft pay people to produce content for the console, the recent Battlefield 1943 was funded by Xbox live subscriptions, the engine that hosts ALL the content on xbox live, thats videos, full games, indie games, music, DLC and gamertag stats/info all cost a hell of a lot to maintain - as there are servers in every country there is xbox live - bandwidth of that amount is not cheap.