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Why's my friend being so mean to me? - Printable Version

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Why's my friend being so mean to me? - Heartless - 02-16-2013 02:08 AM

Ok so my friends a liar. She has these fake boyfriends and she always asks me if I'm jealous but there not real o.O?
She says mean stuff to me too, this was our recent convo:
Me: you two should go out
Her:*insert*is better than you, I'd rather text you then her
Me:she's not the one helping you
Her:your so quiet and have no friends
Me: I may be quiet at school in certain classes but outside of school I have about 800 friends.
Her: I have 2 billion friends, I'm not a liar
Me:that's impossibru, liar
Her: shut up no one likes you
Me: your jealous I have more friends than you
[she said most of her friends are from twitter, but I actually know my friends"

When I asked her why "she hates me?", she said "reasons g2g sleep bye" wtf o.O liar
She ALWAYS calls me an @hole and other mean stuff about me being ugly and random stuff.

She also punches me *jokingly" in the stomach. I tell her it hurts but she does it either way
Then randomly she said "I like everyone from elementry school except you". She only talks with me though from elementary school.
Why is she doing this? I've never done anything bad. She randomly started cursing at me ever since she's been desperate for this dude this year -_-

- Phillip - 02-16-2013 02:16 AM

Sounds like you need better friends.

- Brianna - 02-16-2013 02:16 AM

Sorry to tell you, but she is NOT your friend. Maybe she's jealous of you because you know all your friends & she only has friends online that she doesn't know. But, a real friend wouldn't treat you like that

- [INVALID] - 02-16-2013 02:16 AM

i don't think she would be considered a 'friend'

sounds annoying as fuck, don't see how you can deal with her..

- SecretQuestions - 02-16-2013 02:16 AM

I have been in the same situation when my use to be friend kept calling me ugly, totally ignored me, whispering about me, telling lies about me and etc.. If she randomly texts u something mean DON'T respond!!!! It just makes the person mad cause they want to c a reaction out of u so don't give them one. If she does this at school too, act like u don't care and nothing even happened. Another thing u can do is just totally ignore this person and not hangout with them anymore. She will prob keep doing stuff like this even when the fight is over (this happened to me). Bullying is a horrible thing and u can tell ur parents so they can help u. My parents helped me when my friends were being mean to me since I have an anxiety disorder (worry a lot, worry to much). Also get yourself a new BFF that u can trust, nice to u, and is a true friend. Also since I'm in 2 core classes with the girl who's being mean to me, my mom told my teachers and now they watch out for whenever she leaves me out and stuff. Telling a teacher is also a good thing too if she does it at school too and is in your classes (just make sure u tell the teachers to not say anything to the other girl (bully) cause it will just make things worst) Hope this advice helps!!!! Don't worry about it!! I hope this girl stops being mean to u!! Smile

- greatscale925 - 02-16-2013 02:16 AM

Thats not a friend thats a big old b*tch who's obviously jealous and a fake friend and a bad person I suggest dump her arse and find new meaningful friends that will actually respect you, this chick gots to many issues.