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Should I bother trying Instagram? - Printable Version

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Should I bother trying Instagram? - Richie - 02-16-2013 10:44 AM

A bunch of people in my school do it. (I'm in 8th grade) I doesn't seem interesting all you do is post pictures.

- Saveyrobs - 02-16-2013 10:52 AM

Just try it. Everybody has likes and dislikes. You don't know unless you try it.

- MichelleM - 02-16-2013 10:52 AM

I go on mine and look at people's pics sometimes. I only uploaded one picture so far. I'm a girl in 10th grade. It's fun to look at sometimes. I would get one to try it out. Besides, what have u got to lose?

- Stefan - 02-16-2013 10:52 AM

you should definitely try it. its free so you've got nothing to loose. i'm 16 and i've been using it since it first came out. its kind of like twitter and Facebook expect its strictly for pictures. But thats what makes it fun and kinda trendy. instead of using words to update your status, you can just snap a quick picture. and its more than just posting pictures, you can see other peoples pictures, gain followers, upload your own pictures, follow your friends and favorite celebrities, and even try to make it on the popular page. so i suggests you just try it for yourself. i like it but you might not. everyones different so just see for yourself!