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Is there a free way to erase the Koobface worm? - Printable Version

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Is there a free way to erase the Koobface worm? - melisa - 02-16-2013 11:05 AM

I unknowingly opened a video which contain the virus and it keeps sending the link to my facebook friends over and over again. I have changed my password, deleted my cookies and run my McAfee and Ad-Aware Anniversary addtition multiple times. I have only had the computer for 3 weeks and this worm has changed 3 things in my registry. I have even deleted my cookies from my desktop.

Is there a free program to get rid of this worm. Or will I have to pay for the spyware doctor

please help

- Anthony - 02-16-2013 11:13 AM

check with your isp provider I have deleted it with Verizon's and Bright House own anti virus scanners, and they are free

- ray_8128s - 02-16-2013 11:13 AM

Per Microsoft it can be removed by running "Windows Live OneCare safety scanner" full cleanup

Prevention and removal

- danics - 02-16-2013 11:13 AM

here ya go, and follow the removal instructions

- marathon332 - 02-16-2013 11:13 AM

The Koobface worm is a very complex trojan designed by cyber-criminals to collect your confidential information and hold your system for ransom.

Do not pay them for removal. Doing so will make your poorer and may actually increase your problems. It is a scam that relies on newbies and panicky victims.

Microsoft has a malicious software removal tool that it says removes the Koobface worm.

It can be downloaded here...

A list of what malware it removes and other important information is here:

Once you have removed the virus, you can download Microsoft's new, Free Security software MS Security Essentials.

Get more info about it and view a video review at:

It works on all Windows PCs from XP up to the new Windows 7 and is simple and effective.

I guess it goes without saying that you should always be careful about what site you are visiting and make sure that you don't just casually click on anything to download it.Be careful about what information you create online at social sites like Facebook. Lastly, NEVER rely solely on ANY security software to fully protect your system. Be aware and be cautious.

Hope it works out for you.

BTW, if worse comes to worse, just re-install the operating system. It will wipe out all your programs and data, but you will have an "As New" system that you can re-install everything on again.