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So I just read about the latest shooting at the Texas college and wondered, What is it that makes these kids? - Printable Version

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So I just read about the latest shooting at the Texas college and wondered, What is it that makes these kids? - You Need Me! - 02-16-2013 12:34 PM

shoot each other? Do you suppose it's because, from little on, we don't let kids fight anymore? Used to be a playground scuffle pretty much cleared things up. I'm not talking a bloody beating. Just the regular things kids do. Is it they can't vent harmlessly anymore and instead resort to unreasonable actions?
@ Winston. Yeah, but you see the bullying now. Cyber-bullying. Kids beating other kids bloody and posting it on YouTube. Schoolyard brawls don't seem so bad now in comparison, do they? The intent was to keep kids from being bullied in school but now they kill each other of school property instead.
@ Cat in the Hat. This will blow you're little mind, but when I was a kid, back in the 60s, we bought our hunting rifles to school and got out early during hunting season so that we could head straight to the woods. We went hunting. We never, ever, ever, ever thought to shoot other kids or people with them. It's not the guns. These poor kids are being effed up by progressive hogwash.

- Who now? - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

Look if there's anything we have learned it's that more guns solve any problem.

- Winston Smith - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

It's sometimes because of bullying, and if you're the weak one and you lose the fight the bullying will continue.

- Winston Smith - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

We also use to play outside, ride our bikes, sit at a dinner table together, only had 3 - 5 television stations. Sometimes I wonder about the information/technology age.

- Unluckythroat673 - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

They shoot each other because they can get their hands on guns.

- Agent 99 - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

That's part of it, there's no outlet for their aggression and these shooters are ticking time bombs, not that there's any excuse for them, there is not but there are reasons for this behavior. There's an instant gratification, no accountability with younger generations, Facebook, social networking sites, technology in general is not helping, parents don't pay enough attention to their children, the media glorifies the shooters and marginalizes the victims, which doesn't help either.

- Calvin - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

The police have already said that it was gang activity.

This was nothing more than two people shooting at each other because their gangs had a quarrel. The only people to receive gun shot wounds were the two shooting at each other and a janitor that got between them (shot in the leg). This is not national news. It has only become so because the media is seeking stories on guns that they can sensationalize.

- john - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

Liberal parents teach their kids these days that there is no permanent punishment for murdering people, shooting children, etc.

When parents taught their kids "If you kill someone, you will painfully burn in hell for eternity." and "If you're a good child, you will have whatever you want when you die. All you have to do is be good." BOOM incentive to do good things and be a good person.

Now that parents teach their kids "When you die, you will become a pretty tree, or a flower, and people will love you, and all your problems will go away" Kids have no incentive to be good. There is no repercussion to being a little sh*t and killing 20 children.

Whether or not, you believe 'God' is real, there needs to be an establishment at an area early age that, if you're a little sh*t, you're gonna burn in hell, but if you're good, you will be rewarded with whatever you want in beautiful heaven.

- ornery and mean - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

The unpopular opinion ... and the one that i believe ... is that some people are just criminals at heart. They believe that the rules of proper society do not apply to them!

I remember school rifle teams (competitive, ranked shooting teams comprised of high school students ... last confirmed contact with this mythical entity ... 1978! "Big buck" contests run by school districts (last confirmed contact in New York State was 1980), High school teachers instructing the hunter safety course (Some unconfirmed sightings even in New York State current ... last confirmed sighting 1976, when I took the hunter safety course), Pickup trucks in the school parking lot , rifle visible in rack ... last confirmed sighting 1980.

Why is it that we had legal access to firearms "back in those days" ... and few school shootings? Today gun control laws are positively INSANELY draconian ... and we have at least one nut case a month shooting up a gun free zone? Could it be that the Reagan administration era cuts to mental health care and the subsequent push for "mainstreaming" the mentally ill was "penny wise, pound foolish"? Maybe the "kid gloves approach" to sentencing criminals has a bit to do with this situation too?

- gomanyes - 02-16-2013 12:42 PM

No, I don't think it's because "we don't let kids fight anymore".

Canada doesn't let kids fight at school, and they don't seem to have shootings on campuses every week.