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How do I gain lots of Instagram followers? - Printable Version

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How do I gain lots of Instagram followers? - Grace:D - 02-16-2013 12:51 PM

I really want to gain more Instagram followers! I want people to see my photography because I want to pursue photography and I want people to see my photography. To do this, I need more followers, how do I get more followers? I know you can follow a bunch of people, but people don't always follow you back. Please help! Also you can follow me on Instagram at: igrace888

- kindbutter228 - 02-16-2013 12:59 PM

Pay for them.

- purringstranger537 - 02-16-2013 12:59 PM

"Instagram" is not an ideal place for photography.

Instagram is Twitter for people who don't know how and/or want to type words. It's mostly just a bunch of pointless snapshots of equally pointless things with extreme amounts of "vintage retro durr hurr" effects added to it to make it look artsy fartsy.

You want people to respect your photography? Buy a real camera, take photos, edit them on photoshop yourself (without the help of an app like instagram) and upload them to sites like Flickr or Tumblr. No one will take your photography seriously if you are based on instagram.