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How do I get a SUCCESFUL YouTube account? - Printable Version

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How do I get a SUCCESFUL YouTube account? - James Lloyd - 02-16-2013 03:09 PM

Ok. I am set on making a new YouTube account that will actually make it and get thousands of views and have people longing to see my videos, but in previous attempts I have failed..? Please share your knowledge and ideas on how I can manage to achieve a successful YouTube account and end up with a partnership. Thanks!!!

- steve T. - 02-16-2013 03:17 PM

Well, you have to be funny, interesting, or maybe even helpful. You have to be able to get a lot of views and subscribers. You also need a really high quality camera, because if the camera is bad I won't even watch the video.

- Glenn Ratcliffe - 02-16-2013 03:17 PM

Hey J :~)

Getting your channel/video's viewed is all about content, presentation and networking.

To get views you need:
a) Good content.
b) Good 'tag' words. The more the better (Youtube dose have an upper limit on the number though).
c) A good video description.
d) A good network of friends and subscribers.
e) Getting 'Likes'.
f) Don't forget to 'Share' your video's and 'Post a Bulletin' to your friends.
g) Video respond with your videos.

So, good content is the hard one. There are no rules, but try to be original, or stick to a theme, or both. Here's an example. Have a look at these:
The trick is to engage your viewer from the start, and keep them watching till the end. Hard to get your video 'Liked', if it's not watched in total.

Tagging your video with as many of the right words is very important. People find your video's with these 'Tags'. Use many tags.

Always do a full, and detailed description of your video (this will help when Google 'crawls' for videos). Provide links as needed.

Make friends. Reach out to other similar channels, and [Add Friend]. Offer Sub4Sub to increase your subscribers.

Double check your editing (smooth transitions, clean/even audio, ECT) before uploading. Sloppy editing on your videos, effect your chances of getting 'Likes'. Remember too 'Like' your own video (people in your network will see this, and be only one click away from watching your video).

After uploading:
Use the [Share] button, to put your video's on FaceBook/Twitter/MySpace/ETC.
On your channel, use the [Post Bulletin] to send your video (with a message) to all your friends.

Post video response to your own video's. Seach for videos similar to your own, and then post your video's as a response.

Channel design and multiple views:
Thought should be given to your channels appearance (back ground, colour scheme, play list's, profile wording, ect). A nicely designed channel, with multiple playlists will encourage your visitors to stay and watch more video's.

If you visit random pages and comment. People will see your avatar (one click, and there at your page), and have a link to you. Be careful of spamming. Some people get very upset.

Hope this helps

- The Wolf - 02-16-2013 03:17 PM

I would start by looking at your previous attempts, what kind of comments did you get if you received any. What was the quality of your videos, where they blurry hard to see shaky images or top quality. What kind of content did your videos have, was it you vlogging, fan videos, etc?

Look at the mistakes you made in those previous attempts and take that experience into your new channel.

- Dawns - 02-16-2013 03:17 PM

Read this blog most people fail not because of the quality of their videos, It is more because they don't know to get them found. When you do things right from the start it takes a lot less work down the road'
Yes it does take a bit of work but it is better to spend a little time doing the small things than check day after day and not get many viewers