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What do you think is the deal with this guy? I need your opinions? - Printable Version

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What do you think is the deal with this guy? I need your opinions? - nic.ber - 10-12-2012 05:19 AM

I had a friend who i stopped talking to last year but about 6 months ago she started talking to me again.
Her boyfriend caused us to no longer be friends anymore. Last year on my 17th birthday right before i went out he emailed me and said some hurtful things.
About 3 months ago he emailed me again apologizing saying he was in the wrong that he shouldn't have said those things to me especially on my birthday, but he said i deserved it.
He constantly talks bad about me still to his friends but when he talks to me he acts nice.
On his twitter he'll post updates that are mean and they're directed at me. But then if i post an update he'll talk nice to me.

i don't know what his deal is and i don't know what to do.
what do you guys think?

Also I'm 18 and he's 20 it's not much of an age difference but I think i act more like an adult than him.

- daisybh - 10-12-2012 05:27 AM

Don't talk to him. He's a two-faced liar and hot worth your time or worry. If you aren't careful he could cause you a lot of trouble and stress. The email doesn't sound like an apology at all, it sounds like your friend made him do it when he didn't want to.

- Lady S - 10-12-2012 05:27 AM

The deal with this idiot is that he is a two faced son of a gun. He'll say something nice to you in your face, but yet he'll talk smack about you behind your back, knowing that you will hear about it later. If I were you, I would talk to him about that and ask him what is his problem? Stand up for yourself and don't be afraid to tell it like it is to him. He needs to be put in his place and he needs to know that if he has something to say, he needs to say it to your face. As far as his apology is concerned, tell him to shove it because he didn't even mean it. Don't allow anyone to walk all over you and if you don't stand up for yourself, he'll continue to keep talking smack about you, but is still trying to be nice to you. The reason why he is behaving this way is because he's probably trying to impress someone when that individual is around and when the individual is not present, he'll start talking smack about you. What goes around, comes around and he will get what's coming to him. In the meantime, don't allow his hurtful words define who you are as a person. Only you can do that. Good luck.

- weatherboy162004 - 10-12-2012 05:27 AM

"Also I'm 18 and he's 20 it's not much of an age difference but I think i act more like an adult than him."

Actually you do, but for him to go about pointing you out only signifies that you're his weakness. I mean if all you were to this girl was a friend then his "points" are really pointless and immature. Seriously....

- Lynn - 10-12-2012 05:27 AM

Steer clear of him. Anyone who talks behind your back and consistently says hurtful things about you is not even worth spending an ounce of time thinking about. Don't waste anymore time talking to him, avoid him at all costs..because a mean spirited guy like that will only bring you down..and you deserve someone way better who treats you with kindness and respect.

Try Joining some new clubs where you can meet some new people to hang out with. Before long you will meet someone special who has the same interests or hobbies as you and the best thing is it will be someone that you can count on to talk nice in front of you and will speak well of when you are out of the room. Good luck to you and Hang in there..I'm sure someone way nicer will be on the way soon! Take Care Smile