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Here are 10 reasons to hate CM Punk? - Printable Version

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Here are 10 reasons to hate CM Punk? - The Intellectual Destroyer - 02-16-2013 07:57 PM

1. He says the same **** on the mic all the time. Vince sucks, respect me and all that crap.
2. He thinks hes cool because he has ugly tattoos all over.
3. He obviously doesn't wash his hair.
4. Only moves: Anaconda Vise, GTS, Elbow Drop, Roundhouse kick, flying clothesline, knee and bulldog. Hornswaggle has a bigger arsenal.
5. Kisses Vince's *** more then Cena. He obviously has less talent then The Gobbledy Gooker, and so Vince just gives him MITB twice to make him seem like a main eventer.
6. Stole his gimmick off Jericho and Cena. Best in the World? Jericho. And does 'respect' seem a bit like Hustle, Loyalty and Respect?
7. Patetic title reign. In 3 years are we going to remember CM Drugged 1 year long reign? What really was there to remember? How many PPVs has he actually headlined since being champ? Not many! Hell, I didn't even care about the WWE Title until Bryan got in the picture.
8. Ugly. 'Nuff said. Or do you GUYS think hes handsome? He's got his ugly mustache and his 5'4 140 pound self. A champion should at least have SOME muscule.
9. His little 'Go to sleep' taunt. What kind of wtestler smiles and looks adorably at their opponent?
10. Bad person outside of the ring. He made a kid that was 12 quit his Twitter because CM Drugged was so mean. 'Nuff said.

BQ: Why is Petey Williams so good?

- Dillon - 02-16-2013 08:05 PM

Here is a few reasons why I find you stupid.
1, WWE is scripted
2, he's not 'ugly' he happens to be very attractive
3, he dosent choose his gimmick, the writers chose them.

- simon - 02-16-2013 08:05 PM

Tell this to the WWE creative team.

- Xtremenator1 - 02-16-2013 08:05 PM

Your username is like a double entendre.

- ℓąïℓą - 02-16-2013 08:05 PM

1. He changes his promo every week, and has the BEST promos
2. He is cool, straight edge
3. That's gel in his hair
4. Has has many moves, he's a great wrestler
5. he earned his spot
6. He has the best gimmick
7. Awesome title reign 400+ days
8.he is HANDSOME, he has muscles, he is a wrestler not a bodybuilder
9. That's an evil smile
10. You don't know that, know him personally do you?

- HEELKris - 02-16-2013 08:05 PM

CM Punk haters are my allies. CM Punk being small wouldn't be a problem if he had muscles. Eddie Guerrero was 5 ft 8 but he had something called MUSCLES. CM Punk is a nerd, a joke how am I supposed to take that loser seriously? Him as champion for over 400 days is ridiculous. He's also a terrible heel (he gets heat only when he insults the crowd) a terrible wrestler and a terrible human being

- kyle - 02-16-2013 08:05 PM

I personally think Austin Aries and Bobby Roode are better

- Álvaro - 02-16-2013 08:05 PM

He's just doing your job.. seems like you're just a kid.