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How do I promote my new fashion blog? - Printable Version

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How do I promote my new fashion blog? - Valele - 02-16-2013 09:19 PM

Well - "fashion, make up, all-things-girly kind of blog"*

I just created it yesterday and don't have many posts. I do have ideas for posts but they're more work than I thought and I'll have to dedicate plenty of time to them, meaning I'll probably post two a day.

Where can I promote my blog? How do I get followers, exposure, etc?



Or should I wait until I have a couple more posts?
Although, even then, where do I promote it?

Thanks in advance guys!

- OneBigInternet - 02-16-2013 09:27 PM

Very nice blog! I think you have enough posts to get started. I would keep posting every day though.

It takes time to build up a blog. I would take advantage of using the blogger platform by reaching out to other blogger's in your fashion niche.

I would create a twitter account and gain followers there too. Maybe consider creating a facebook fan page and direct traffic to your blog.

Other ideas include:

1. Setting up a youtube channel
2. Commenting on other blogs in your niche (fashion)
3. Purchasing advertising with google adwords (last resort maybe not a good idea for blogger)
4. Join
5. Comment some more on other blogs Smile

Keep in mind these are all strategies blogs use that are self hosted for example:

But this depends on if you want to make any type of money from blogging.

I wrote a good article on link building using article directories on this post

If you are really interested in setting up a self hosted blog you will need a name for it too:

here is a link to the top 6 or 7 name generators:

And as always I am available to answer questions on my personal blog at

- Gina - 02-16-2013 09:27 PM

I like your blog! I'll definitly be following. You already have posted a lot which is good.

I just started a new blog as well and right now I'm finding new, cool blogs on blogspot to follow. I think by commenting on blogs I like, they will check out my blog, reccomend it to their followers, and so on. It's taking some time, but I think it will work.

Also signing up for google adsense is a good idea too. You'll be able to make a little bit of money (possibly) and your blog will show up on a google search.

My new blog is if you would like to take a look.