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What do you think about all social networking sites? Like Myspace or Facebook.? - Printable Version

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What do you think about all social networking sites? Like Myspace or Facebook.? - Evelin - 02-16-2013 09:50 PM

Please explain your self very well.

- Robin - 02-16-2013 09:58 PM

there fun! and you get to talk with your friends when your phones taken away

- Michael G - 02-16-2013 09:58 PM

I personally don't bother with them.
I have other things to do that I would prefer doing and I don't see much benefit from them;
something like MSN or Skype will do the job and do it better.
Some say the built in games are good; They bore me.
Built in messenger? MSN/Skype.
Status update? MSN/Skype do that.
It also takes up another browser window, which must be open,
whereas MSN and Skype can run as background processes.

MSN and skype also have screenshare (skype) which can be handy, and also voice chat, which is good if you are doing something else but want to talk.

- CydeFX - 02-16-2013 09:58 PM

It depends. My view are as follows:
I prefer facebook, due to how its organized. It is set up purely for social networking, easy to handle and simple. It has a more professional feel to it. Myspace is more of a dating/social/ad hybrid site. I must say it is a mess. The customizations and profile editing are disorganized and just plain bad. people feel the need to fill their profile pages with 1000 pictures and videos so that it takes forever to scroll down. On another point, the amount of solicitors on myspace is embarrassing. As for other social networking sites, from the ones i've been to, it all goes downhill from there.

In general (facebook mostly), i think social networking sites are great. They allow new relations to form. They allow old relations to progress. I love the idea of contact between the world. Like during the haiti crisis, people used facebook to relay information about details and missing persons. I personally enjoy it as many others do as well. It is also useful for companies or musical artists.
But to every positive there is a negative, unfortunately. Social networking sites allows personal information to be available to people who perhaps should not have that information. It also makes predators become a larger, harder to detect force...

- Gribble - 02-16-2013 09:58 PM

Total waste of time. Why not spend the same effort interacting with people in real life?

- Fauna - 02-16-2013 09:58 PM

I think there are definite pros and cons to them. The pros are you get to reconnect with old friends, network, keep in touch more often, share pictures and stories, etc. It's an easy way without having to call someone up or plan an actual visit to get all the gossip or know how people are doing, what they're up to these days, who's married, who has kids, who's single, who's dating who, what events are going on...
But... it's a huge con in that people get lazy and DON'T CALL anymore! People are hardly even text messaging, and I thought that was getting bad replacing calls and hearing a person's voice once in a while. We're getting SO disconnected when we only think we're getting more connected -- but disconnected physically, more remotely connected, which isn't always healthy for friendships.
Some comments might be taken the wrong way -- or some people might present themselves differently online in a profile and their posts than they do in person as you know them.
Some people hide behind their computer profiles and you never hear from them in person.
Sometimes it's just annoying and you don't want to know every detail of everyone's day.
Sometimes there's a privacy issue that people share too much, or everyone's too easily found and too much info is given up -- that's a safety concern as well. People have to be more careful. Especially with all these apps you add -- it's taking all your profile information every single one you add -- I can't believe people don't think anything of that. Big Brother anyone? People are doing it to themselves. What happened to hanging out in person, calling people, it's getting less and less. If you're typing about what you're doing, you're distracted from where and what you're actually doing -- that's not truly living an experience. What you're really doing is typing on your phone, your PDA, your computer -- not paying attention to what's around you beyond that. I could go on and on.

- lemontartsue - 02-16-2013 09:58 PM

They are what you make them. I personally like Facebook because I can talk to people who I don't usually get to hear from on a daily basis, and see how they are doing. I have reconnected with a lot of childhood and highschool friends through Facebook. I also have deleted a lot of people because of their conduct. I will not have anyone on my FB who continually picks fights, acts childish, slanders another, acts perverted and so on. Facebook is not my life, but a good way to re-connect.

- massiveborder813 - 02-16-2013 09:58 PM

I dont think theres anything wrong with them, if you use them for what theyre suppose to be used for. Such as reconnecting with old friends and keeping in touch with them. Its actually great for that. But if you become obsessed and are on it 24/7 (i mean we can all say that facebook/myspace is pretty addicting, but you have to have control) then theres a problem.

I hate people that post a million pictures and become fans of 100 pages a day, or update their status like 10 times a day. It makes me think what does this person do all day, sit on facebook? We are all guilty of spending too much time on the computer but its a little crazy when you become that addicted. And people are often not careful on what they post on it either. Pics and certain comments can backfire. I dont think people think of that as much as they should.

I think acutal people interaction outside of the internet is better than facebook. But its great for keeping in touch. Just be careful with what you post and have control.

- Isabelle - 02-16-2013 09:58 PM

Aside from letting you find friends old and new, it keeps you entertained with games, live chat, quizzes and more (Facebook). But the downside to this is that my mailbox gets spammed by unwanted invites to a lot of games and quizzes.

If you're new to social networking sites, or is getting tired of the usual social networking sites, you may want to check out It's a social networking site with a twist, because aside from letting you connect with friends and meet new ones, it allows you to find somebody to answer your question about virtually anything about your city, or another that may have caught your interest.