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Do gun control advocates think citizens of states with the most severe gun laws are worse than other citizens? - Printable Version

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Do gun control advocates think citizens of states with the most severe gun laws are worse than other citizens? - Gadfly - 02-16-2013 10:07 PM

If you believe gun control works, does that mean you believe the citizens of cities with both strict gun control laws and high crime rates are much more inclined to criminal activity than are citizens of states without either condition.

And if you believe gun control is working, how much worse would violent crime be in Flint MI if it had less stringent gun control? Do you think marshal law would have to be imposed?

If you do believe gun control works and the population of Detroit for instance is simply more inclined to violence than populations of similar density but with less gun control and violence, how do you explain it?

Do you think violence is the product of failed attempts at social engineering or the disintegration of the family unit? Or do you think that despite their corruption, debt and violence, the social policies of cities like Detroit and DC are keeping them on the right track and they simply need to redouble their efforts employing fundamentally flawed policies? Given their violent crime rates, do you think other states should emulate them?

Does it seem that for some politicians, given the choice between;
1) Admitting they have supported infective or harmful policies and then
looking for more effective solutions.
2) Allowing the carnage to continue while using the resultant public outrage to forward
their political agenda.

choose the latter..

- Robert T - 02-16-2013 10:15 PM

When their wives say they are with out cause, Yes.
Flint Mi. divorce rate when they bother to get married is what it is , however many have moved and became another areas problem.
Gun control is in the hands of the one holding.
Violence is rooted in anger. Anger Management classes along with ethics courses are very much in line.
i would chose the later also. With the end game being Marshal Law.

- L.T.M. - 02-16-2013 10:15 PM

Excellent question and in a way you answered it with your headline.. Do gun control advocates think? Obviously they do not.

- roundhen989 - 02-16-2013 10:15 PM

Don't confuse a liberal with the facts.

The groupthink has gone against those dangerous "AR" like type guns. Never mind that twice the number of people die from beatdowns, than rifle wounds.

- who WAS #1? - 02-16-2013 10:15 PM

What the news media is mostly not telling us is that almost all these crazed shooters are on psychotropic, anti-depressant drugs prescribed by doctors. Zoloft, Ritalin, etc.

Should we ban doctors?

"Dammit Jim, I'm a drug dealer not a doctor!"

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