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My mom won't let me have a Facebook? - Kayla - 02-17-2013 05:17 AM

OK. Hey guys. Wink
Since I was in 5th grade, (I'm in 8th now). I've ALWAYS wanted a Facebook. Many people come to me, and ask me if I have one. Of course I said, "No, I'm not aloud". It never really bothered me, UNTIL about a week ago. A guy who I REALLY REALLY like came up and asked me!!! And I was like, "YES... I mean, no, sorry, I'm not aloud". Sad
And he was like, "Oh, never mind then", and left.
It was really an AWW moment. So, I've been asking both my parents if I could have one. My dad is OK with it, but always says, "Ask your mother". (He's one of those dads, gotta love 'em).
I've been asking my mom, and she always looks at me, and smiles. She's basically thinking about letting me, but she's not sure.
I keep on telling her, that almost everything I do, has to do with Facebook. (Like really).
Yesterday, I downloaded this really cool app on my Ipod touch. I was really excited about using it, until it said I have to log into my FACEBOOK to activate it! I deleted it. O_o
Also, my social studies teacher was teaching us about these different types of questions. She showed us practice ones to let us work on. Guess what the theme was?!? FACEBOOK!
My mom wants me to have one. But she's scared that "crazy people" are going to hunt me down. I'm not aloud to post pics of me online. (I only have this, and a Twitter). I'm kinda OK with that. I told her, but she's still not sure.
Any tips?
Crystalc & Redmkey
Just so you know, I can't spell to save my life. Ha, Thanks for the corrections. Smile
Also, I'm not exactly a 'Directioner, or beleber' So you don't have to worry about that.
I've also been talking to my mom about gaining my trust. I told her, If I'm really responsible with Yahoo Answers, and Twitter, I can work my way up to a Facebook.
My birthday is January 13th. Sooo, maybe that would be a really easy birthday present? O_O

- crystalc - 02-17-2013 05:25 AM

i'm sorry but it annoyed me haha, allowed*

anyways you should make a facebook, i agree everyone has one ahaha and even if you do post pictures, you can private them and in order for it to be seen by strangers, you can friend request them/or accept their friend request. by privating your photos, it would prevent creepers haha

- Haitam - 02-17-2013 05:25 AM

show her how fun facebook is, it has no harm at all if you make one for her she could start to get addicted to it. everybody now has one. just as long you dont post alot of pictures and chat with the wrong people.

- ? - 02-17-2013 05:25 AM

It's stupid, thank your mom

- SteveO - 02-17-2013 05:25 AM

You actually get to control who gets to find you and who you interact with on Facebook. You can set all your information to private, meaning that people have to be your friend on Facebook in order for them to view your information. You also get to control who see your pictures you post online. It's actually really secure if you know what you're doing, and the security and privacy settings are really easy to navigate and set up. If you interact with a lot of sites or applications that are social in nature, then Facebook acts as a unified system for accessing those things, but it increases your online footprint.

To ease your mom's worry that crazy people can find you...I have my privacy settings set up to where almost no one can find me, and I have to find them in order to add them. I don't show up in the search bar unless a friend of a friend searches for me.

- redmkey - 02-17-2013 05:25 AM

Well, to answer your question, you have to build up trust.

My parents are a great example of this. When I was in elementary school, I loved the internet- the games, the information, and the magic it seemed to hold. I got addicted, and it still affects me today (I have a schedule to keep me on track). For example, you can start by doing certain chores that make your parents know you are more responsible. Treat them with respect, and they will do the same to you. However, it seems that your parents trust you a lot already, so just keep it up Smile.

Also, my final tips:
-When you get a Facebook, don't overuse it, and follow the safety guidelines provided by Facebook- actually read the "privacy" part.

-Learn to spell words like "you're" and "allowed".

-Don't psychotically rant about Justin Bieber/ One Direction, or anything else in particular. It gets people pissed off.

^if you follow all this, I'm sure your parent's will allow you to own a Facebook account.

- Amber King - 02-17-2013 05:25 AM

My mom won't let me have a facebook either, (and I'm older than you). I can't convince my mom either. But there are some pluses to not having a facebook, there is wayyyyy less drama, and you don't have to worry about getting hacked or anything. Try asking your mom if you could at least get on her account sometimes and be friends with some of your friends on her facebook.