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How do I Make my Social Networking site Popular? - Printable Version

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How do I Make my Social Networking site Popular? - Miguel the Skillful - 02-17-2013 07:53 AM

I am the creator of a little social network called CityLife - Beta ( ) and I want it to become more popular. I just posted the site yesterday morning so I am in no need of a rush, I just would like to know what to do along the way. As well as what does my site need to compete with other social networking sites.
And if you would like to help me with the site you can do so by joining! Your membership would be much loved...

- toby - 02-17-2013 08:01 AM

Marketing. You need to advertise. Advertise everywhere... on Google Ads, on Yahoo Ads, on TV, on the radio, on billboards. Advertising is necessary to make any product successful.