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Why do I feel fat when I'm most likely not?!? - Printable Version

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Why do I feel fat when I'm most likely not?!? - Candace - 02-17-2013 09:44 AM

For as long as I can remember, I've been fat. Yes, in a human beings lifetime they fluctuate quit alot. I'm also very self concious about myself. I was always picked on & I was used to be that girl that every guy didn't want because I wasn't skinny enough or pretty enough. But now I'm alot more in shape than I've ever been. I have an eating problem, in other cases, I LOVE food! I have an amazing boyfriend that I've been with for over a year now & he absolutely loves the way I look. He treats me like a princess. But when there's other pretty girls like very very gorgeous women. I feel so self conscious that it fucking sucks. I don't want feel like thar at all but I just don't know what to do. Please help**

- Harley - 02-17-2013 09:52 AM

You know what my mom did...she got rid of all the food in our house and kept healthy food and only water..just exercise atleast 3x a week or maybe do helps(:

- i tried - 02-17-2013 09:52 AM

well, nowadays a lot of people are pressured into looking the way society wants them to look. due to the social media, there is a very set and defined way 'beauty'' is defined, but really, the saying "beauty lies within" really comes into play here. As long as you have a good heart, you're a good person and beautiful no matter how you look. not to mention that the ideal body type/weight is extremely hard to attain, with only 5% of everyday women meeting the standards. another saying you've probably heard before is that people who make fun of others are just jealous, or conscious/upset of/with how they look, and take it out on other people. be glad that you have someone who will always love you, and keep yoour chin up because im sure you're a very beautiful person Smile