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Can we sue the government for mishandling social security? - Printable Version

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Can we sue the government for mishandling social security? - Job - 02-17-2013 10:05 AM

Can we sue (if yes, who) the government for mishandling social security? As reported by the media, it will run out of money in 2037. Our children may not get any benefits (after contributing to the system) when they retire if the retirement age increases 1 year every year.

- Scotch Bingington - 02-17-2013 10:13 AM

Unfortunately, no. The federal government enjoys almost absolute immunity from suit. There are a few exceptions where you can sue certain federal officials, but only if they've committed a recognized crime.

- jyhidtyufiljh f - 02-17-2013 10:13 AM

Can we? no. Should we be able to? yes. They decided on their own that it would be ok to take money from SS to use for completely unrelated purposes.

- Entropy - 02-17-2013 10:13 AM

Actually, it already went negative, the 2037 date is when an automatic law that cuts benefits across the board to 70% kicks in.

No, we can't sue. Reason we know is that it has already been tried. The Supreme Court ruled (and they were right) that while SSI is sometimes called a trust fund it is, in actuality, nothing mroe than another tax and spend entitlement and so no claim of property rights to the money "invested" is possible.