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I'm having major problems with sexuality and gender and I need some helpfull advice? - Printable Version

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I'm having major problems with sexuality and gender and I need some helpfull advice? - Connor - 02-17-2013 10:34 AM

So basically , Some days I feel my brain is transsexual whilst others I'm gay or straight . I'd really like to wear girls clothes but I'm afraid of comments and my hometown ain't exactly the most friendly place ! I would like to tell family but my dad is very narrow minded when it comes to these things also their is the fact that my brother is autistic so It'd really booger his mind up . I'd love some advice and if you want to chat just follow me on Twitter @Connor_Dowd

- Laura - 02-17-2013 10:42 AM

Well I don't have twitter but I can make once and chat to you if you like. It's hard at first but just be you and to be honest, it's not really a transsexual brain, you just feel like you want to be a girl like I did. But seeing as your hometown is kinda bad I'd say if you're gonna do it get out of your home town for your own safety honey. Best of luck and hugs

- James - 02-17-2013 10:42 AM

Don't tell your dad if he's narrow minded. There are a lot of straight men out there that enjoy wearing women's clothes. Doesn't make you gay. You're pretty much just confused right now or maybe you want to be a woman. Time will tell. You're not going to find out in a day much less in a year. Overtime, you'll know, just try to understand who you are as the time goes.

- Derek - 02-17-2013 10:42 AM

I don't feel like I really have much in the way of useful advice here. I don't have experience with such struggles and it sounds like you have your fair share of challenges. But I do want to tell you that the world probably isn't as close minded as you might think it is.

I can certainly understand your concerns about family. It must be very difficult. At the same time you have to be yourself. However, it doesn't sound like you really who you are yet, so maybe taking on your father should wait until you are more certain. Talking to people you feel you can trust would certainly be a possible way to work through some of what your feeling?

Anyway, I wish you the best and I hope you get some better answers. If girls clothes end up being something that makes you happy, then I hope you get that too!

- Danni - 02-17-2013 10:42 AM

Counselling could be useful for you to talk though the issues.

It might help you to go on a little holiday to another town with friendly venues where you can try crossdressing. If you have the confidence Manchester's Canal street, Brighton's Kemp town or Pink punters are great places. If you need help you could try a dressing service first.

There are also a number of national & local support groups which can be found here (for crossdressers & transsexual people)